Filename case transformation as option with choice: None, lowercase, CamelCase
When “Media File Renamer” is enabled the automatically performed renaming happens according to these rules (among others):
- ” ” → “-” (space to minus)
- All characters to lowercase
- Transliterations to ASCII (e.g. “?” to “oe”) in the pro version
Questions / Proposals:
Ad 1) Could space/punctuation replacement be made a bit more specific?
- ” ” → “-“
- ” – ” → “–“
Ad 2) “to lowercase”. Please make this a preference:
Advanced → Renaming → Change case: Dropdown with these options:- Leave case unchanged
- all to lowercase ← This is the default (existing installations, would feel no change from this update)
- All to Camel Case
Example for 1 + 2 combined:
Main Topic - Sub Topic here.jpg
currently becomesmain-topic--sub-topic-here.jpg
. Not very telling to the human eye.</img> Whereas
carries more semantic meaning. “–” is clearly a stronger separator than “-” to separate main and sub topic. And the case preservation helps too to distinguish key terms from lesser terms.
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