• Resolved looknear


    There was some change or bag in last version?
    upgrading to 7.4.14 did no succeed because of files permissions.
    when checked – i see that the whole wordfence plugin folder is owned by “root”…
    it is the only one that is owned by “root”…
    while the server is running with other user. (www-data in most cases).
    the only way for something like that to happen is if wordfence plugin chown its own folder to “root” – in previous versions…
    can be?…
    can i safely change it back to www-data so the wordpress can access and upgrade it?…

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  • Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @looknear, thanks for your question.

    Here’s a link for your reference on the recommendations from WordPress: https://www.ads-software.com/support/article/hardening-wordpress/#file-permissions

    The plugins folder and every folder within that folder should be writable by your user account and the web server process.

    So I would recommend having the wordfence folder be user: www-data, and group: www-data.



    Thread Starter looknear


    Thanks. i guessed so.
    but is there a reason that ONLY the wordfence folder got “root” permissions?…

    Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @looknear,

    We have seen cases in the past where customers (or their hosts) were unintentionally running PHP on the command line, or using WP-CLI, as root. Any files created during that time were owned by root instead of the correct user. If auto-updates are enabled and WordPress cron jobs are running as root, that could cause the owner to change.

    If you are unable to change that, please contact your hosting provider to ask them if this is the case for you.

    Thanks again,


    Thread Starter looknear


    this option sound the most fit.
    auto update is enables. and the cron is root…
    As my site run in specific user for security reasons.
    why the wordpress update cron runs as root, this is strange. will investigate more.
    it can cause a mess if all plugins that are auto update will change into root… ??
    Thanks for the input.

    Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @looknear,

    Thanks for the extra feedback. I’ll keep this ticket open for now just in case there is any further information required, but I do think it’ll be related the server/PHP setup.


    Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @looknear,

    Thanks again for getting in touch. If you have any further Wordfence questions in future, we’ll be glad to respond any time if you start a new topic.



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