Files Unavailable after Upload
I have the following shortcode uploaded on a password protected page of my website:
[wtf_fu_upload deny_public_uploads="0" use_public_dir="1" wtf_upload_dir="/totally-rad" wtf_upload_subdir="" accept_file_types="jpg|jpeg|mpg|mp3|png|gif|wav|ogg" deny_file_types="htaccess|php|php3|php4|php5|cgi|aspx|asp|aspx|sh|phtml|shtml|pl|py|pyc|pyo" inline_file_types="jpg|jpeg|mpg|mp3|png|gif|wav|ogg" image_file_types="gif|jpg|jpeg|png" max_file_size="6" max_number_of_files="30" auto_orient="1" create_medium_images="0" medium_width="800" medium_height="600" thumbnail_crop="1" thumbnail_width="80" thumbnail_height="80"]
After I have uploaded a test image (1.2mb), the thumbnail is a broken image. I look into my file directory via ftp and there is definitely an image uploaded and a thumbnail created, but when I use the direct file path (), the image is broken.
I am also having issues trying to delete from the web based interface. Basically, all functionality seems to not work, aside from sort of uploading the image.
Any help would be appreciated.
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