Dear Fiona92,
As for the “Choices” fields group of Advanced Custom Fields plugin, it seems to be the matter of format in which ACF saves the product meta data. The meta data filters of our plugin support Latin text or numeric meta data. Moreover, the metadata values are not allowed to have spaces. ACF seems to save some of its field types as arrays (for example, in case of a checkbox field), so it’s not possible to create filter out of them.
In case you are interested in single-value product meta data, the Select and Radio button field types from the Choice fields group seem to work, with some limitations. To bypass the limitation of filters’ meta data values not being allowed to have spaces, the ACF Choices can be entered like so:
excellent : Excellent
good : Good
bad : Bad
very_bad : Very bad
Problem is, the filters will auto-generate terms’ labels based on their meta data value, and you will get the following list of filter terms when using the above choices:
This limitation can only be bypassed by assigning custom labels with the help of the Custom term icons and labels premium filter style.
As for some meta data values missing from your filter’s options list, please keep in mind that our plugin scans the meta data assignment to actual products. Meta data values that are not associated with any product will not be displayed!
Also, please keep in mind to re-save (push the Update button) your products each time you need to change your ACF fields type. Whenever you change/ assign new meta data values to your products, save or reload your filtering preset to refresh the meta data filters’ options list.