• Resolved tprod


    Hi everyone,

    I try to do a custom search form and I have a problem to do a between width custom fields for this Real Estate website. I try to put a filter where in functions.php like this :

    function filter_where($where = '') {
    	if(!empty($_REQUEST['prix_mini'])) $where .= " AND wposts.ID = wpostmeta.post_id AND wpostmeta.meta_key = 'mprix' AND wpostmeta.meta_value >= '".$_REQUEST['prix_mini']."'";
    	if(!empty($_REQUEST['key'])) $where .= " AND (post_title LIKE '%".$_REQUEST['key']."%' OR post_content LIKE '%".$_REQUEST['key']."%')";
    	return $where;
    add_filter('posts_where', 'filter_where');

    But I have no results

    Any ideas ?

    Thanks for your help.

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  • We do not have enough information. I suspect that you need to add a join to the postmeta table. Please post the query and parameters, and $wp_query->request after the query.

    This thread may also provide some help.

    Thread Starter tprod


    Thanks for your answer and sorry about lake of information about my request.

    Here is my searchform :

    <form id="searchform" method="get" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>">
    		<input id="key" name="key" type="text" onfocus="this.value='';" value="<?php if(!empty($_REQUEST['key'])): ?><?php echo $_REQUEST['key']; ?><?php else: ?>Recherche par mots cl&eacute;s<?php endif; ?>" size="25" />
    		<select name="nb" id="nb">
    		<option value="" <?php if(empty($_REQUEST['nb'])):?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?> onfocus="this.value='';">Nombre de pi&egrave;ces</option>
    		<option <?php if(!empty($_REQUEST['nb']) && $_REQUEST['nb'] == 1):?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>>1</option>
    		<option <?php if(!empty($_REQUEST['nb']) && $_REQUEST['nb'] == 2):?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>>2</option>
    		<option <?php if(!empty($_REQUEST['nb']) && $_REQUEST['nb'] == 3):?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>>3</option>
    		<option <?php if(!empty($_REQUEST['nb']) && $_REQUEST['nb'] == 4):?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>>4</option>
    		<option <?php if(!empty($_REQUEST['nb']) && $_REQUEST['nb'] == 5):?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>>5</option>
    		<option <?php if(!empty($_REQUEST['nb']) && $_REQUEST['nb'] == 6):?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>>6</option>
    		<input id="prix_mini" name="prix_mini" type="text" onfocus="this.value='';" value="<?php if(!empty($_REQUEST['prix_mini'])): ?><?php echo $_REQUEST['prix_mini']; ?><?php else: ?>Prix mini<?php endif; ?>" size="10" />
    		<input id="prix_maxi" name="prix_maxi" type="text" onfocus="this.value='';" value="<?php if(!empty($_REQUEST['prix_maxi'])): ?><?php echo $_REQUEST['prix_maxi']; ?><?php else: ?>Prix maxi<?php endif; ?>" size="10" />
    		<input id="searchsubmit" name="searchsubmit" type="submit" value="Trouver" onclick="if(key.value == 'Recherche par mots cl&eacute;s')key.value='';if(prix_mini.value == 'Prix mini')prix_mini.value='';if(prix_maxi.value == 'Prix maxi')prix_maxi.value='';" />

    Then my request :

    <?php global $query_string; ?>
    if(!empty($_REQUEST['nb'])) $search = '&meta_key=qpieces&meta_compare=&meta_value='.$_REQUEST['nb'];
    if(!empty($_REQUEST['prix_mini'])) $search = '&meta_key=mprix&meta_compare=>=&meta_value='.$_REQUEST['prix_mini'];
    if(!empty($_REQUEST['prix_maxi'])) $search = '&meta_key=mprix&meta_compare=<=&meta_value='.$_REQUEST['prix_maxi'];
    <?php query_posts($query_string.'&orderby=meta_value&meta_key=mprix&order=ASC'.$search); ?>

    I’m doing a filter where but I only want to search with all these elements at the same time et not one a time.

    And the $wp_query -> request

    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.* FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id) INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy ON (wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id) JOIN wp_postmeta ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id) WHERE 1=1 AND wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'category' AND wp_term_taxonomy.term_id IN ('7') AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post' AND (wp_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR wp_posts.post_status = 'private') AND wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'mprix' GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY wp_postmeta.meta_value ASC LIMIT 0, 5

    How can I do an inner join in the filter where with custom fields (wppostmeta table) ? Any ideas ?

    I see also the link of the post you give me. It’s very interesting but how can I add a supplementary search with : search by terms (LIKE on title or content), number of rooms (meta compare with egal)

    Thanks for your help

    This is a lot of code, and I cannot test it, but it should be close to correct.

    First, add these functions to your functions.php:

    <?php function mam_posts_fields ($fields) {
       global $mam_global_fields;
       if ($mam_global_fields) $fields .= $mam_global_fields;
       return $fields;
    function mam_posts_join ($join) {
       global $mam_global_join;
       if ($mam_global_join) $join .= $mam_global_join;
       return $join;
    function mam_posts_where ($where) {
       global $mam_global_where;
       if ($mam_global_where) $where .= $mam_global_where;
       return $where;
    function mam_posts_orderby ($orderby) {
       global $mam_global_orderby;
       if ($mam_global_orderby) $orderby = $mam_global_orderby;
       return $orderby;

    Then, for your nb, prix_mini, and prix_maxi, use code like this:

    if(!empty($_REQUEST['nb'])) {
     $mam_global_fields = ', nb.meta_value nb_value';
     $mam_global_join = " JOIN $wpdb->postmeta nb
        ON ({$wpdb->posts}.ID = nb.post_id AND nb.meta_key = 'qpieces'
           AND nb.meta_value = {$_REQUEST['nb']})";
    if(!empty($_REQUEST['prix_mini'])) {
      $mam_global_fields .= ', mini.meta_value mini_value';
      $mam_global_join .= " JOIN $wpdb->postmeta mini
         ON ({$wpdb->posts}.ID = mini.post_id AND mini.meta_key = 'mprix'
            AND mini.meta_value >= {$_REQUEST['prix_mini']})";
    if(!empty($_REQUEST['prix_maxi'])) {
      $mam_global_fields .= ', maxi.meta_value maxi_value';
      $mam_global_join .= " JOIN $wpdb->postmeta maxi
         ON ({$wpdb->posts}.ID = maxi.post_id AND maxi.meta_key = 'mprix'
            AND maxi.meta_value <= {$_REQUEST['prix_maxi']})";

    Finally, use any other parameters you need in your query:

    <?php query_posts('posts_per_page=10');

    This is so great i want to cry! The mysql-queries can be such a pain in the ass sometimes!

    Thanks a million!

    You are welcome! Now, please use the dropdown at top right to mark this topic ‘Resolved’.

    Thread Starter tprod


    Thanks again vtxyzzy I’m going to test you script I think it’ll work.

    Thanks again for your help

    Thanks vtxyzzy, it works perfectly with the custom fields.

    Still, it has a little issue: it’s not taking into consideration the s= parameter, the search text input.

    Thanks a lot vtxyzzy! Your examples were really helpful.

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