• Resolved Teo Dereta



    First of all, a great plugin! There is a search form on the table gallery (top right) and I would like to place the same search form on portfolio gallery. I copied the code ‘filter:true’ and pasted it inside the portfolio gallery, but the search form is not showing. I guess the trick is in gallery’s header.php or is it something else? Why is it not showing?

    Thank you and keep up the good work!

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  • Plugin Author odude


    I understand your requirement.
    There is no special shortcode to display form where ever we wanted.
    As there are lot’s of stuff under development regarding search.

    We have used these html code,
    You can test on your page by adding these code, it might work but we don’t recommend it yet.

      <div class="fl-column fl-has-text-right">
                                        <form id="theForm" onkeydown="return event.key != 'Enter';">
                                            <div class="fl-field fl-has-addons">
                                                <div class="fl-control">
                                                    <input id="search_value" class="fl-input" name="search" type="text" placeholder="<?php echo __('My search', 'flexi'); ?>">
                                                <div class="fl-control">
                                                    <a id="flexi_search" class="fl-button fl-is-info">
                                                        <?php echo __("Search", "flexi"); ?>
    Thread Starter Teo Dereta


    I tried the code, but it doesn’t work. I’ll try other solutions. Thanks anyway!

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