This is a nofix on version 3, sorry about that.
It’s not safe to do auto optimization on javascript, as it can break your scripts and things may stop working without you even noticing.
I do not wish to see people installing this on wordpress, do zero configuration or worse, select every single option and then complain that they had no sales because of the plugin not working on the cart page or whatever.
If a user does not know how to check if scripts are causing errors, they should not try to optimize the production site on their own. They should hire a developer instead.
If a user is not a total beginner, or if they want to try optimize a staging or copy of their site, then they should be able to at least fill up the settings or keep trying different options.
Speed optimization is not something you can do by pressing a button.
You can optimize a few things sure, but if the site is complex, you will not know if something is broken until it’s too late.
While there is no longer automatic js optimization, you need less than 10 seconds to copy paste the default recommended settings from the HELP tab, so in a way, that is the equivalent of a semi-auto setup.
I cannot enable javascript automatically for everyone and risk breaking sites.
It requires manual setup, if you wish to optimize speed further.
HTML and CSS configuration can be enabled, because it works most of the time and it doesn’t prevent things like shopping carts from working.