• Resolved manjigaab


    I use WooCommerce plugin. There i added some attributes. On frontend they are shown as “Additional informations” on Product. The terms are linked like a hyperlink. If i Click on them, WooCommerce try to filter them, the permalink gets “/?pa_” and the slug gets added like “slug=term”. so the complete permalink looks like this: “/?pa_test=dem”. This “Filter” doesn’t work. All Products show up like nothing happens (u don’t need any Filter plugin to test this, just add some Attributes on your page). So i need to change a part on my permalink like this:


    How can i do this? is there another method to make my Attributes link to the correct “Archives”

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  • Plugin Support Shameem a11n


    Hello @manjigaab

    WooCommerce, by default, generates permalinks for attribute archives in the format you mentioned: /?pa_attribute=term.

    To change this, you will need to modify the WooCommerce template files, or by using a redirection plugin.

    Here’s a basic guide:

    1. Copy the taxonomy-product-attributes.php file from the WooCommerce plugin folder to your theme folder in a “woocommerce” directory.
    2. Open this file in your theme folder and find the line that generates the attribute link. It should look something like this: esc_url( get_term_link( $term ) )
    3. Replace it with your custom URL structure.

    Please note that directly modifying the WooCommerce core files is not recommended because your changes will be lost when the plugin updates. Always use a child theme for such customizations.

    Also, this is a basic guide and might not cover all scenarios, so you might need to adjust it according to your needs. If you’re uncomfortable with code, I recommend hiring a professional developer.

    Alternatively, you may consider using a plugin like Product Filters for WooCommerce or SEO Product Filter for WooCommerce.

    Please note that we can’t provide support for code customization as per our support policy. However, for assistance with customization or development with your site, we recommend that you seek help from:

    If you are comfortable with coding yourself and have questions, I would also recommend that you consider:

    I wish I could help more, but hopefully, this gets you going in the right direction to get the job done.

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