We are using a free delivery by email. After their order online, clients receive a manual email with payment instructions. Once their payment received we send them the image files with a file transfer link.
Everything works fine but their order remains marked as “Processing”.
When we manually change their order status to “Order shipped/finalised” in order to have a clear view of statuses I was surprised to see that they automatically received an invoice of their order. As I want to set the status of some old orders to “shipped/finalised” I would like to avoid having them receive old invoices. Otherwise send them the Order Receipt instead.
UPDATE: please disregard this as we found how to edit the document they receive when an order is set to “finalised” and made it more clear. There has been some confusion with old orders that were not correctly followed up and when we marked them as “finalized” people were receiving something that looked like an invoice and were confused.