• Hi everyone. I finally decided to show the world my new wordpress driven site at https://www.bengm.com. You can follow the link to the journal from there or check out https://www.bengm.com/journal. I made lots of litte changes to Worpress New which I got from Alex Kings Site. I would love to know what everyone thinks!
    While I’m here, I thought I would turn eveyone on to an interesting piece of software that I came across in my searching. CaRP ( https://www.geckotribe.com/rss/carp/ ) uses PHP to pull an RSS feed from anywhere on the web and allows you to feed it to any other php enabled page. Just point it to your RSS feed and you can put your wordpress entries on any of your other wordpress pages. There is a very functional free version that I use now. It allowed me to put the first few entries from my journal (which are frequently updated) on my home page with just a little tweaking. I hope someone finds that useful.

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  • carp looks interesting as my existing rss parser has some problems with some feeds…

    enjoying your ideas, and design on mac os x 10.3.4 with safari
    good job!

    Those light blue links aren’t very userfriendly/visible on green background (menu column)… Or is it just me? ??
    Regards, MaxT

    cool, original, different style from everything I’ve seen so far. But I’ll have to agree on the blue/green thing Max is talkin about. The 2 colors could work together but they’re a little too similar in term of saturation and brightness. You could keep the same hue but play a little w/ the other two…

    Okay, I am so sure I already posted in this thread, but apparently the forum disagrees with me… ah well…
    What I had to say was basically that I love it, very colourful! But the green is a bit too much, methinks… it doesn’t fit the other colours well and it kind of hurts my eyes if I look at it too long…

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