• I run a website that uses Advanced Custom Fields and they manage over 4000 files for a school site, these files are all uploaded to custom fields where the meta_value is the attachment ID.

    I edited your plugin to also show any attachment that is uploaded to a custom field. This is likely not worth using in a plugin because there could easily be false associations, like an attachment ID being 20 with another custom field value have the value of 20, but for my needs and managing their files its working really well!

    Here is my code incase anyone whats to achieve the same thing.
    In the get_posts_by_attachment_id function, add the below code:

    //Custom code - Get All attachments that are in a custom field
    		$used_in_custom_field = array();
    			$attachment_query = new WP_Query( array(
    				'meta_value'     => $attachment_id,
    				'post_type'      => 'any',
    				'fields'         => 'ids',
    				'no_found_rows'  => true,
    				'posts_per_page' => -1,
    			) );
    			$used_in_custom_field = $attachment_query->posts;
    		//End - Custom code - Get All attachments that are in a custom field

    In the get_posts_using_attachment function change the array_merge to the below:

    $posts = array_merge( $post_ids['thumbnail'], $post_ids['content'], $post_ids['custom'] );

    In that same function add this to the if else if loop:

    } elseif ( in_array( $post_id, $post_ids['custom'] ) ) {
    				$usage_context = __( '(In Custom Field)', 'find-posts-using-attachment' );

    Really clean and well built plugin, thanks!


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  • Plugin Author Sergey Biryukov


    WordPress Dev

    I thought about searching in meta values as well, but didn’t include that in the 1.0 release for the sake of simplicity, as it would add several more queries for each attachment. I can see how it might be helpful though.

    I guess I should make get_posts_by_attachment_id() results and the strings filterable, so that you could customize them in your own code without modifying the plugin. Going to do that in the next release.

    Thanks you for the feedback!

    Geet Jacobs,

    Great input. This is also what I need.

    I’m not sure how to edit the code. Did some attemps for an hour but couldn’t make it work.

    Any chance you could help me?

    Thread Starter Geet Jacobs


    Hello Dropshot,

    I do not mind helping, but it is fully editing the core plugin, it might be worth it to wait for Sergey to add a filter so we can leave the core alone.

    I’d just like to add that I second the request to make this support custom fields. ??

    I’d like to use it for a huge client website that has thousands of images in use across hundreds of custom post types, as featured images, in the content, and in slideshows (in custom fields). We need to find *everywhere* that each image is used so we can rename our media files to follow proper naming conventions. So the more places this plugin can detect images in, the easier our job will be. ??


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