• Hi, right now the main page of my installation shows the newest blog entries. I would much rather have some kind of static landing page – and I found the setting to do that. BUT I would love to be able to link to “the newest entries” from there, so basically to the page that is now my home page. Can’t find an option for that though. The “feed” seems to be something different (at least it looks very different)? I would be happy to set up a page with entries from “all categories” from new to old, and than link to that, but I don’t know how, either. Thanks, Ulrich

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  • Ayman


    Which theme are you using?
    Do you mean just like having one link to your posts page? Or Showing the most recent posts titles that link to the posts directly and a link to the page that contain the posts?

    Thread Starter ulrichhoffmann


    The them’s name is “Scrappy” (https://www.ads-software.com/themes/scrappy).
    Right now I have the last five posts as homepage (see https://www.minimedi.de). I’d like to show exatcly this content, but not on this page. I want to choose a static landing page (can do that) and from there link to a page that has the last five blog posts in full.



    Ok, so for having a static home page “Landing page” you have to create a custom page template for it first. You can read more about Page template and how to create a custom one here https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Page_Templates

    After creating the custom page template you will just have to create a new page and give it that template to use.
    Than you can go to: ( Settings -> Reading ) to select that page as HOME page. And you are done.

    If you have further questions please feel free to ask.

    Thread Starter ulrichhoffmann


    Hi Ayman, I figured out how to make a static landing page. What I don’t know is how to “make” (and then link to) a page that show the last five posts.



    Ok, Did you try to create 2 new page and then chosing one of that pages as “Blog” page and the other one as “Home” in the (Settings -> Reading)?

    I dont understand what you want to show on your static page (A part from the link to the page that will contain the last 5 posts) but any way I can walk you throw creating a custom page template to make it as a static home page or to show the last 5 posts

    Thread Starter ulrichhoffmann


    Somehow I seem to phrase my question wrong, sorry.
    I can create a new “page” from the “pages” menü on the left. What I don’t understand is how I would fill this page not with static text, but with my newest blog posts. Basically, what I want to achieve is a page at https://www.minimedi.de/blog / that shows the blog entries. Right now, I’m only able to show the newest five entries on the landing page of the blog – or, alternatively, show a static page as the landing page, but then I have NO page with the last blog entries, I just only have links to them in the right hand menu.
    I have the feeling I’m missing something incredibly obvious… ??
    Thanks for bearing with me!



    Ok so to create a page that shows your posts you have to create a new page lets say you name it blog. Than go to Settings -> Reading and select that page for “posts page” option and than WordPress should start loading your posts there.

    For the static home page you can do the same creating a new page and name it home, Add all the content you want to show add it in the text editor and than go to Settings -> Reading and select it as “Front Page”

    Like that you have a static landing page and a page that can be added in your website menu under this link “https://www.minimedi.de/blog”

    I hope I got what you need right…Please feel free to ask if my answer didn’t solve your issue.

    Thread Starter ulrichhoffmann


    Perfect, thank you! What I didn’t get was to create an “empty” page for the blog entries, than go to Settings/Reading and “fill” it from there. Sorry for the confusion. As I assumed, it was really easy, once I did it right. THANK YOU!



    You are welcome. Some times we miss the solution thinking that is something much more complected, while is just a couple of click ??

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