• Hey Everyone – and Happy New Year!!!

    The theme I’m using has text fields for you to put email, skype, hours, address, etc…, in the “top bar”. But this is just text – I’d like to make the email and Skype “clickable”.

    Using Firebug I can see the HTML code – here it is:

    <div id="page">
    <div id="top-bar" class="text-center top-bar-hide" role="complementary" style="visibility: visible; margin-top: 0px;">
    <div class="wf-wrap">
    <div class="wf-table wf-mobile-collapsed">
    <div class="wf-td">
    <div class="mini-contacts wf-float-left">
    <li class="email">[email protected]</li>
    <li class="skype">TSLHelpdesk</li>

    If I change the email address, within the Firebug console, to

    <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=HELP">
    Send Email</a>

    it makes the email text, in my “Top Bar” active and clickable and works just
    like I want it to (not sure what the command is to make my Skype “active” but
    it’s mainly the email I want to do this for).

    The problem is I can never figure out the file/location of what to edit in order to
    add the html code.

    In Firebug it shows a location but that just brings me to this css file with this code for that line/section:

    .mini-contacts li.email {
    background-image: url("html.js.no-touch.cssanimations.csstransforms.csstransforms3d.csstransitions.no-cssfilters.mobile-false.js_active.vc_desktop.vc_transform body.home.page.page-id-522.page-parent.page-template.page-template-template-microsite.page-template-template-microsite-php.one-page-row.image-blur.btn-ios.wpb-js-composer.js-comp-ver-4.3.4.vc_responsive.no-mobile.not-webkit div#page div#top-bar.text-center.top-bar-hide div.wf-wrap div.wf-table.wf-mobile-collapsed div.wf-td div.mini-contacts.wf-float-left uldata:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20version=%221.1%22%20%20xmlns=%22https://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20xmlns:xlink=%22https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink%22%20x=%220px%22%20y=%220px%22%20width=%2215px%22%20height=%2215px%22%20viewBox=%220%200%2015%2015%22%20enable-background=%22new%200%200%2015%2015%22%20fill=%22%23818284%22%20xml:space=%22preserve%22%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M7.86,8.553L5.998,10.17L4.169,8.582l-3.553,3.303l10.944,0.004L7.86,8.553z%20M0.518,4.036l5.488,5.211l5.394-5.16L0.518,4.036z%20M8.417,7.986l3.574,3.426l-0.01-6.741L8.417,7.986z%20M0.018,11.338l3.538-3.34L0,4.631L0.018,11.338z%22/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

    So in looking at this is it the “class=”email” that I need to find and edit? And, whatever
    it is I need to edit, how do you find it?! It’s driving me crazy – short drive ??

    Life would be simpler if I could make the change in Firebug and save it.

    Thanks for your help!

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