• Baden, I am so impressed with this and your support (even when I didn’t read the documentation fully!) I am starting to think about using it more.

    I have looked through the posts tagged ‘findme’ and ‘highlander’ and cannot find this. You’ll probably prove me wrong.

    I have set up a highlander group and set findme=”true” for each section. It mainly works as I expect….

    If I manually close a section and then open another, it scrolls to show the title of the new expanded section.

    Ditto if I click on a title above the one currently open.

    But if I click on a title below the one that is open it scrolls to a few lines below the title.

    Is there something else I need to do?

    An example shortcode:
    [expand title="Other news" tag="h3" rel="news-highlander" findme="auto"]

    Test site https://spic.org.uk/wp/


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  • Plugin Author Baden


    My-oh-my that is strange….
    we’ll do some testing and get back to you when we have something to share.
    Thank your for the feedback!

    Thread Starter n8steve


    Hi. Anything to share yet?

    (Something positive would be good. It has not been a good few days with all things wordpress!)

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