• Resolved MrMattEastwood


    Hello, Complianz team,

    My client, Matthias Würth is using Firefox and the extension, Qwant VIPiracy to access his website, https://wuerth.consulting/. That extension blocks the whole cookie policy from being displayed.

    Screenshot: https://paste.pics/K6AHC

    Is this as intended? Can you fathom why it would block the content? Is there a way around that?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor jarnovos


    Hi @mrmatteastwood,

    I suspect that this extension triggers on words such as “Cookie”, which are included in the Cookie Policy, and that extension hides the content as a result.

    I installed the plugin myself and this indeed seems to be the case here. You will see styles being added which hides the Cookie Policy content, the “Injected stylesheet” part indicates that it is added by a browser extension.

    I’m afraid there’s little we can do on our end to prevent third-party extensions from affecting this.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter MrMattEastwood


    Ah, good to know, thanks! I appreciate the fast reply. ??

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