• I don’t know if this was known … several Templates I used didn’t work with FireFox.
    Until a friend and FireFoxFan and I found out, that removing the first line in header.php (<doctype …>) may be not correct, but then the site is to be seen right in IE and FireFox.

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  • well.. just dont forget the normal internet user also uses mac, linux and somtimes other browsers like aol’s browser, netscape, safari, or mozilla.. its not just ff and ie out there.. everyone one person you exclude or dont reach becuase you didnt take time to fix it is one less person that could have helped or could have seen it to help.

    and if you want it to reach more people in the search engines and show higher IN the search engines for more people to see to click on… then its better to do it the right way and not just patch it up… will cause more problems later if you jsut patch it.

    Thread Starter ralphroeske


    Okay … the discussion so far convinced me to step back to the original version.
    And not only that … also the fact, that the header graphics were not displayed in IE exactly as they were before.
    So … I am making it a Question: Is it a minority that reported to me, using Firefox this site is black and/or scrambled or do you experience the same?

    Using FF 1.5 RC2, 15″ laptop screen, 1280×800 : header sits all the way left. Sidebar is dropped below content, content stretches all the way across the screen. Footer is covered by some of the presumed content area (grey with black borders). My desktop (with appropriate program) is unavailable at the moment, but I’d start by checking to make sure you’ve got all divs closed, and verify things like your page id width, content div width, and post div width….

    It’s strange.
    Viewing it with FF 1.0.6 it seems as if the blog cannot “read” the stylesheet: it shows ONLY what is inline style (in the header for bg pics). However, when I click the “Edit CSS” in the FF Developer Toolbar, all the styles are suddenly applied.
    Have no idea, just guessing… could that be a permission issue? Or, did you try whether another theme works well or not (so that you can narrow it down to your theme)?

    Thread Starter ralphroeske


    This was noticed on other sites using other themes, too.
    And I made only slight changes (replaced a picture keeping the old name) and changing some colors.
    And deleting the comment issues, links, etc..
    I am programmer since 25 years – so I think I am able to know how to delete a line in a php file – so that the comments link does not appear.
    And anyway – its displayed exact as I wish in IE…

    Thread Starter ralphroeske


    @vkaryl … maybe its not my fault but FireFox’s?
    And not I have to change anything but the FireFox Developers?
    Why does IE show no Problems?
    Maybe because its just the better Browser?

    IE tweaks bad code to make it look good. Real standards compliant browsers expect the web designer to write real code. IE is NOT a better browser, it’s a sloppy piece of dreck which takes bad code and pretends it’s good code.

    If you don’t want to worry about those who use other browsers, there’s no requirement that you do so. However, you’re in business according to your site. It’s not sensible to alienate potential buyers.

    Your complaints about this should be directed to Microsoft, which is the company which cannot be bothered to produce a standards-compliant browser (though promising one “soon” – IE 7, which 99% of the IE-using world will NOT have any time soon since they won’t want to pay the price for it….)

    In any case, what you choose to do is up to you. If it were me, I would chase the little problems so that those using a real browser would have no complaints about my site, because if they have a good experience there, they may buy from me.

    [“other browser” usage is growing by leaps and bounds, my own sites see about half and half IE and Moz/Opera these days, and I read somewhere the other day that FF usage in Germany is the fastest growing segment in the world. YMMV – and all of the above is my personal opinion only…. but it is NOT a FF problem….]

    Moderator James Huff


    Yes, the problem appears to be that your design has plenty of of coding errors which are not standard with your chosen Doctype (XHTML 1.0 Transitional). Fixing these validation errors may fix the problem, or (at the very least) make it easier to troubleshoot.


    I am going to weigh in here but I don’t feel the need or desire to defend FF or comment on IE as that is a dead horse issue (like is IE itself – oops I did comment ?? and the fault is not with the browsers but with your site. There are numerous errors in coding that do need to be fixed but the main error causing the particular issue discussed here is in how the server is delivering the CSS.

    IE can handle the mime type error but FF cannot. The fault is with your site, not FF or IE (just placing blame where blame belongs and not scapegoating FF ;-).

    Moderator James Huff


    Great catch, Beel!

    Ralph, this is a server configuration issue. Apparently, your server thinks that .css is a downloadable file.

    Thread Starter ralphroeske


    Okay – my Server Settings – you call it configuration -that’s what I wrote somewhere above as well, but was not sure.
    Although after re-reading the discussion here and after a deep thought – actually I should have looked for the error somewhere else.
    And I could have tested this, too … I am not only using a server but several webhosters which usualy have configured their servers error free.

    Btw.: Does anybody know how and where a windows 2003 Server is configured that way, that CSS is not recognised as downloadable file? I remember that when I started it I could not download exe and others than zip and txt from my websites. And I made a global change to allow to download all files…
    If I only’d remember where I made the change ??
    Excluding CSS could solve this, right?

    If your server is configured to treat css as the wrong mime type (as pointed out by Beel, who is WAY smarter than I am about that sort of thing), then yes, reconfiguring to properly call the css could at least begin to alleviate the problem in FF and other standards-compliant browsers.

    Do I understand by the above that you are hosting the server yourself? In that case, if it’s an apache server on linux, I *think* the setting will be somewhere in the httpd.conf file….

    Thread Starter ralphroeske


    vkaryl, as I wrote several times above, its a Windows Server. And that makes it a bit more comlicated… I found lots of people which could help with Linux based ones.
    But none yet who could help configuring IIS without disturbing the “Domains Management Program” which is Plesk 6.5 …
    And I don’t want to switch because the Programs up there are Windows Programs…
    If you want to help to test the site with a firefox again … I made some changes in IIS … it still works with IE … hopefully now css is recognized okay…

    FF 1.0.6 here: the CSS is recognized, looks OK, though the code still has some errors if trying to validate.

    Much better…. took a LONG time to load, 47 seconds and wasn’t done yet (I’m on dialup), but looks like you got stuff where it belongs in FF now. Missed the line about win server, sorry.

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