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  • wfchristian


    Hello @user, thank you for reaching out.

    It looks like you might be missing files from your Wordfence installation, we just released an update and it is possible something went wrong on your site when updating. A complete re-installation of Wordfence might be a good step. It’s always best to make a backup of the site and database before installing/removing plugins, just to be safe.

    Additionally, you can backup your Wordfence settings via the Export option. Navigate to Wordfence > Tools > Import/Export Options and click Export. You can also take note of the current Whitelisted URLs you have in Wordfence > Firewall > All Firewall Options > Whitelisted URLs as these are NOT included in the Import/Export and will be lost during the re-install.

    Here is what is exported:

    During the export, you will be given a long string of text. Keep this safe, you’ll need it in a few minutes. 

    After that, enable the option to Wordfence tables and data on deactivation in All Options > General Wordfence Options. You will want to remember to disable this after you reinstall Wordfence again.

    After you enable that option, you can deactivate Wordfence from the Plugins area of your site, then delete it. Next, from the plugins area, search for and re-install Wordfence like normal.

    It will be like setting Wordfence up for the first time. You will need to enter an email address, and then go into Tools > Import/Export Options and paste that string of text into the Import Wordfence Options field and click the button there.

    The firewall will be in Learning Mode by default for 7 days. I would recommend switching this to Enabled and Protecting as soon as possible.

    If that does not work, I will need a diagnostic in order to determine where the issue is. You can send a diagnostic report to wftest @ wordfence . com? You can find the link to do so at the top of the Wordfence > Tools > Diagnostics page. Then click on “Send Report by Email”. Please add your forum username where indicated and respond here after you have sent it.

    NOTE: It should look as follows – Screenshot of Tools > Diagnostic > Send by Email

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter joeyjosay


    Quick question, could xmlrpc.php deny affect wordfence? I had added this and then removed it via htaccess.

    #Block WordPress xmlrpc.php requests

    <Files xmlrpc.php
    order deny,allow
    #deny from all allow from



    Hi @joeyjosay ,

    Blocking xmlrpc.php does not affect Wordfence, we actually have a built in system to remove it in Worfence > Login Security > Settings but I would recommend the htaccess method you used to remove it.

    Happy to help,


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