• My images are stored in a DigitalOcean Space and delivered via their CDN to an S3 endpoint configured as a custom domain, using an SSL certificate provided by DigitalOcean.

    On activating the DigitalOcean firewall, the thumbnails on my droplet stop showing in the WordPress Media Library, which goes blank. But, when I open all outbound TCP ports, everything works as normal.

    What outbound ports specifically need to be active in the outbound rules?

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  • Plugin Author Delicious Brains



    I’m a little confused by your descriptions.

    Are you just using the standard DigitalOcean Spaces CDN setup with a custom domain as per our guide?


    If so, pushing objects to the Space will use the standard HTTPS port of 443, and your browser will use HTTPS port 443 for receiving the images from the CDN URLs.

    If that doesn’t help, please can you check out your browser’s devtools console or network tab when thumnbails aren’t displayed, and post what URL is being used for the broken thumbnail and the error status and message displayed.


    Thread Starter Terence Milbourn


    Sorry for the confusion. Yes it was the standard DigitalOcean Spaces CDN setup with a custom domain as per your guide. I want to start from a known base so I’ve torn it all down now and am starting with a new installation of everything, including the firewall. I will make sure 443 is open in both directions although I am pretty sure it was previously. How can I test 443 is open?

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