• Hey everybody. I’ve been using WordPress for roughly six months now and decided to try and build a site with the sole purpose of using Adsense as a way to monetize it.

    I researched a niche and tried to make the site as SEO friendly as possible. More content will be added on a regular basis. I used a simple theme. Take a look at my site about ionic foot baths hereand let me know if you have any suggestions on how to improve it. Thanks for any info you may have.

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  • Interesting Niche. I hope you get good adsense income

    I use AdBlock Plus on Firefox…I don’t see your ads.

    Might want to consider lots of people use ad blockers.


    I looked at your site in Firefox, Safari and Chrome.
    Just a few things.
    You might think of finding a better header image. Yours is pixilated and looks unprofessional. Your RSS link is cut off or obscured and looks odd. Also the placement of your Adsense links unbalances the page by leaving a large chunk of whitespace between the post title and the post itself. If your adds were in the right sidebar the page would balance better and you wouldn’t be slapping the reader in the face with 4 or 5 links at the top of each post. The reader will still see the links on the home page and on every post they click on. Adsense overkill turns people off. Lastly, read your copy, read your copy to someone else, have someone else read your copy and then have them read it to you.
    Good design and good copy lead to trust. Work on both and you’ll get some clicks.

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