• Hi,
    I have just finished my blog and hoped that I could get some feedback on it. It’s a festival / camping / travel blog (I only have one post at the mo) which I have linked to my online store. The idea of the blog is just to write about things I like related to the above topics and will be caregorised into festival, camping, travel & fun.


    I’m new to all this so would appreciate ANY feedback that anyone is prepared to give.

    Thanks in anticipation.

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  • Thread Starter 4kits


    Thanks biggamer3. I haven’t quite found out how to change the font yet, but i’ll work on it. Appreciate the feedback.
    As for your site i thought that the red text ‘the lighter side of sport’ was quite difficult to read against the blue background.
    The scrolling header took quite a long time to load (could be my laptop though)
    Other than that I like a lot.

    Good site, although I would recommend maybe a different color scheme if trying to attract customers.

    My first impression without reading any text when I visited was, “oh, it looks like a personal blog.”

    Some good pictures of your items could do the trick.

    [signature moderated Please read the Forum Rules]

    Thread Starter 4kits


    Thanks for the feedback
    Any more would be greatly appreciated!

    Too dark. Make it lighter and more interesting, add video widget. Spice it but not to much.IMO.

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