• Hello,

    I am a Web Designer / New Programmer, and this is my first experience with WordPress.

    So, we built this website and the customer requested a Blog. So we installed WordPress and hired a designer to customize the design of the blog to match the site.

    Well after he finished, we had to redesign the actual website a bit, and instead of re-hiring him to update the blog, I’ve decided to tackle the blog design myself since the changes are relatively minor.

    So, here is a link to the Blog:

    Here is a link to the site we are trying to replicate the design for:

    As you can see I am very close, but I am stumped on how to change the actual content (Search Field Text, Horizontal Menu, My Gear Logo)

    See I can make CSS changes relatively easily, but for some reason I can not find which .php file contains where I can modify the menu, images, etc.

    Can anybody here please point me in the right direction? All I want to do is update the top of the blog with the new menu, new ‘my gear’ button & update the search text

    I open the index.php file, and it is just a call to other files, very confusing for me.

    Thanks in advance,

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  • to edit the main menu (which is located in the header) edit the file


    but be aware that by default this is a self-populating menu, meaning if you add or remove pages in the admin panel, they are automatically added to the menu. You could hard-code the pages into the menu here if you like, but that leaves a static menu and may be vulnerable to errors when changing the path (or URL) of a certain page in the admin panel.

    In WP 3.0, there is a new customisable menu feature that you could implement – what version of WP are you using?

    @blackreef, @macramsay,
    Doesn’t seem like this menu is “self-populating”. Looks like the developer replaced the complete structure of Suffusion’s menus with something totally different and put in a hard-coded static menu etc.

    If the developer hadn’t modified the files you would find the menu generation functions in functions.php and actions.php (triggered from header.php). But since this looks like a heavily modified version of Suffusion you might as well find everything in header.php.

    WP 3.0 menus will not help here, BTW. They would have helped with the unchanged theme, though.


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