• Resolved townman


    This calendar has events with highly formatted content, which is absolutely consistent event to event. When the calendar is presented in AGENDA format, the content of the first item loses all of its content formatting.

    In the context of today (11th April) R240415-2CD is the first item. On opening that item all of the formatted text is displayed as a solid single paragraph of text. Compare that to the next event which formats correctly.

    Upon navigating the calendar pages forward and then backward** to the same first page, the problematic item is found to be formatted correctly. Also switching from AGENDA to MONTH views and back again renders the item formatted correctly.

    Refresh (reload) the page and the item again loses its formatting.

    **Note AGENDA page navigation is only possible on Win11 (see the other report).

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support yenmer


    Hi @townman

    Thanks for reaching out!

    To better assist you please fill out the following form here, and we will review your request.

    Timely Customer Support.

    Thread Starter townman



    This is published as the support space for the WordPress plug-in. If it is not then kindly publish a sticky post to advise that you no longer support this space / product so that people do not waste their time posting here.

    I have already posted to the new form and received a meaningless irrelevant response.

    The merits of using THIS space for support is that other users encountering issues which have been resolved previously have a fast route to self help.

    Maybe the Time.ly is subliminally telling its long standing users to find a different provider? Days to respond to the plug-in’s WordPress forum page, only to point users to another form to fill in … and then respond with an irrelevant boiler-plate response is not great customer service. I have recommended this plug-in with enthusiasm to several WordPress users, the last just this weekend past. Might it be time I found something different to recommend?

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