• Resolved bouncern


    When a new Member is added/registered, a WordPress user is created – however, the ‘First Name’ & ‘Last Name‘ fields are not being mapped (ie. the WP user’s ‘First Name’ & ‘Last Name‘ fields are blank)?

    This is causing us a problem for integration with another Plugin, so any advice very welcome?

    Many thanks,


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  • Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Hello Nick, I just completed a test in my dev site and it works for me. I registered a new member via the registration page and the first name and last name was added to WP Users fields. There might be something in your site interfering with our plugins registration process. Please carry out the following troubleshooting steps below.


    Let me know how you go.

    Kind regards.

    Thread Starter bouncern


    Many thanks for your reply.

    Some updates:

    • The problem only seems to occur on our WP Multisite – we have tested on an alternative Test Site (within the Multisite) with nearly all plugins disabled, but the problem still occurs.
    • (note: 3 x plugins like WooCommerce are network activated and mustn’t be deactivated on the ‘live’ Multisite).
    • However, we have now also tested on a ‘Standalone’ WP site with all plugins enabled (inc. Woocommerce) and it all works as it should (ie. Name fields mapped correctly).

    My question, therefore, is whether there is a general application problem with mapping for all Multisites, or whether it is just specific to ours?

    We’ll try and run some further test and let you know any more updates.

    Best Regards,


    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Can you provide more information regarding WP Multisite setup? Also, how are you adding the members in the Multisite? Please provide as much details as possible. For example: A step y step action.

    Kind regards.

    Thread Starter bouncern


    We have added new members via 2 x methods:

    • Via ‘Add Member’ tab: wp-admin/admin.php?page=simple_wp_membership&member_action=add
    • Via the Registration page: /membership-join/registration-membership/

    Both methods display the same problem. However, when we use exactly the same methods on the Standalone WP site (with exactly the same plugins enabled), both registration methods work perfectly.

    As far as the Multisite setup is concerned, we have tested it with just the following Plugins activated:

    ElementorElementor ProJetpackSiteGround OptimizerWooCommerceSimple WordPress Membership

    Would you like to be given Admin access to our Staging & Test sites? We could arrange this if there’s a private way we could message you?

    Best regards,


    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Thank you for providing more information.

    Would you like to be given Admin access to our Staging & Test sites? We could arrange this if there’s a private way we could message you?

    This is not permitted here in www.ads-software.com.

    Please check the following instructions. Let me know if they help you in any way.


    Kind regards.

    Thread Starter bouncern



    We have implemented all the Multisite configurations recommended (as above), but mapping still doesn’t work on any of our Sites (within the Multisite network).

    We have tried to replicate the problem on our Stand-alone WP Test site, but cannot get it to fail (ie. the mapping works successfully whatever we tried to do!).

    Best regards,


    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    So that I understand everything correctly. Did you also import the network users and then also imported the members to each sub-site?


    Thread Starter bouncern


    The process goes like this:

    1. Add/Register new Member, inc. Email, First Name & Last Name in SWPM >> Settings (wp-admin/admin.php?page=simple_wp_membership&member_action=add):
    2. New (active) Member added, inc. First & Last Name (wp-admin/admin.php?page=simple_wp_membership):
    3. In WP Users (wp-admin/users.php), the WP User is automatically added successfully too, but WITHOUT the First & Last Name (ie. The First & Last Name fields are bank).

    If we do it the other way around:

    1. Create a new WP User, inc. First & Last Name (wp-admin/user-new.php)
    2. Import this WP user into SWMP members using WP User Import (wp-admin/admin.php?page=swpm-wp-import)
    3. Member added INCLUDING First & Last Name.

    As mentioned before, this problem only occurs on any of our WP Multisites, but NOT on our standalone site.

    Hope this is helpful.

    Best regards,


    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Thank you for providing more information. I have submitted a message to the developers to investigate further your findings.

    Kind regards.

    Plugin Author wp.insider


    Hi, This is expected behavior on a multi-site setup. On a multi-site setup, WP user account works slightly different than on a standalone setup. On a multi-site setup, one WP User account is reused by adding it to the different sites. The current setutp/behavior exists to make sure that we don’t create an issue by updating the wp user profile (that may have been configured from another site on that network. The multi-site setup our plugin offers may not be sufficient for your project. So I would recommend trying an alternative solution that might be better for the multisite setup.

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