Further testing points in the direction of a compatibility issue with jQuery Nice Select as implemented in Real Estate 7 theme.
Changing wp-content\plugins\ics-calendar\assets\script.js:292 from
jQuery('.ics-calendar.layout-month .ics-calendar-select').trigger('change');
jQuery('.ics-calendar.layout-month .ics-calendar-select:not(.nice-select)').trigger('change');
fixes the loading display by preventing the Nice Select duplicated ‘nice’ select box from triggering the change event for the second time on page load.
- I cannot reproduce the issue in a minimal setup based on TwentyTwentyOne child theme with jQuery Nice Select. The duplicated select box does not trigger another change event there.
- I am not quite sure which mechanism in the ICS Calendar change handler would hide the first displayed month when it is triggered. This might be something you could help out with.
- I haven’t yet been able to find why this issue emerges in the RealEstate 7 theme.
In the end I think this is an issue for the theme developer to resolve, but I’ll keep this issue open for a little bit in case you would have any hints that could help point anyone in the right direction.
This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by