I have been running it without Cache Rebuild too and it was working at first, but now I’m noticing that my preload is generating every page cache EXCEPT the homepage.
Maybe it was just once though because it did have a hiccup because of a broken-ish page it couldn’t cache and then never got around to the homepage after that.
Anyway, may have to enter / directly as a cache page in the advanced settings if that keeps up.
Can anyone help explain why the plugin has such trouble writing the meta files though?
And how important is it that it does because my site is blazing fast and works just fine, I’m just wondering though if the meta files not being written is what is causing random crashes about once or twice a day?
When I’m preloading the cache, EVERY page gets generated like this:
23:49:05 13765 /contact-us/ Supercache Late Init: add wp_cache_serve_cache_file to init
23:49:06 13765 /contact-us/ Supercache Late Loader running on init
23:49:06 13765 /contact-us/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return:
23:49:06 13765 /contact-us/ supercache dir: /****edited out*****/html/wp-content/cache/supercache/site.com/contact-us/
23:49:06 13765 /contact-us/ No Super Cache file found for current URL: /******edited out*****/html/wp-content/cache/supercache/site.com/contact-us/index.html
23:49:06 13765 /contact-us/ In WP Cache Phase 2
23:49:06 13765 /contact-us/ Setting up WordPress actions
23:49:06 13765 /contact-us/ Created output buffer
23:49:13 13765 /contact-us/ Output buffer callback
23:49:13 13765 /contact-us/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return:
23:49:13 13765 /contact-us/ Anonymous user detected. Only creating Supercache file.
23:49:13 13765 /contact-us/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return:
23:49:13 13765 /contact-us/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return:
23:49:13 13765 /contact-us/ Writing non-gzipped buffer to supercache file.
23:49:13 13765 /contact-us/ Renamed temp supercache file to *********edited out*******/html/wp-content/cache/supercache/site.com/contact-us/index.html
23:49:13 13765 /contact-us/ Sending buffer to browser
23:49:13 13765 /contact-us/ wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data.
23:49:13 13765 /contact-us/ Did not write meta file: wp-cache-83e73c0537c6715e9340639f724c1b63.php *1* *1* *1*
23:49:14 13666 /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1466120925.4499359130859375000000 wp_cron_preload_cache: fetched https://site.com/contact-us/