This is due to the styles in the theme being applied before the plugin’s styles. There are 17 stylesheets being loaded on your page, so they don’t all load at the same time.
If your theme has a custom styles facility to allow CSS rules to be added as emedded styles, follow the instruction in the plugin’s readme to prevent the default the tabby.css stylesheet being loaded, and copy the styles fromt he stylesheet into the theme’s custom styles.
Alternatively, a plugin designed to concatenate, minify and compresses the styles such as Autoptimize might help.
Additional to this, the tabs you have set up on your page do not display well as the combined width of the tabs means that they are shown on several rows of tabs. The plugin was intended for only a single row of tabs to be displayed, with the display switching to an accordion display at a narrow (eg mobile) browser width to prevent this broken multi-row display. The responsive breakpoint values in the media queries in the stylesheet govern the width of the browser at which the tabs will show as an accordion, so if you do copy the styles into your theme’s custom styles you may want to change this responsive breakpoint.