• I have managed to get to the stage where i paste the URL into the browser in order to access WP but it asks for a username and password. I know that the username is ‘admin’ but what is the password? I haven’t had anything sent to my email and it has been over 4 hours – should i be looking elsewhere?

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  • The password was set and displayed when you installed WordPress. Try using the “Forgot Password” link to reset the password.


    Thread Starter erowett


    Hi thanks for this but it won’t work as i can’t get on to the login page to then reset the password. I am not this far in. I haven’t even seen a login page yet ??

    I have extracted all files, changed the config doc, loaded everything to my FTP server (via Filezilla) and then when i copy the wp-admin.install.php into the brower i am forced to enter a username and password to proceed so i don’t appear to be able to get to a ‘login page’ to reset a password. When you say the password should have been displayed when i installed WP – where should it be displayed?

    It seems to me that you have not yet installed wordpress, what is the domain name your attemping to install on?

    Thread Starter erowett


    Hi there – by domain name do you mean this:

    YOu are probably right – i haven’t installed. Stupid question but once i have downloaded wordpress to my pc – how do i actually install it? I can’t find an .exe in any of the folders.

    Your wp-config.php file has not been configured with the correct database details or perhaps you have not created a database as yet. If you navigate to https://emmarowettphotography.com/wp-admin/ you will see the error in question.

    Correct this and the installation should work fine and after that you will be presented with your login details – these should also be sent to the email id you provide during installation.

    erowett, heres an easy install method using a script i wrote


    Go to that url and copy the code into a .php file (you can do this with any text editor just make sure you save the file .php extension). Upload this file to an empty directory wherever you want to install and then navigate to it, ie https://emmarowettphotography.com/AnchorPress.php

    This screen will prompt you to add your database information and then grabs the latest version of wordpress and installs. Let me know if you have questions.

    Help! I cannot log in my wordpress.

    @mabadoella: Post a new topic!

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