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  • Hi, Daniel:

    I think the site is beautiful! It’s informal, but not shabby. The pictures are beyond impressive, the page set up is eye-catching, the font is good, and I am interested in reading the “more” when it comes.

    I wish I could show you my new site (very boring right now, but functional), but I cannot get it to launch. I don’t know if it is poorly installed software or that I missed some obvious thing I was supposed to do.

    Good luck with your blog!

    Claire Huttlinger in Mass.

    Thread Starter dmd54


    Hi Claire, thanks a lot for the feedback. check out – I get a lot of inspiration there.

    What’s the problem you’re having launching your site? Are you using a template or did you code the site yourself?

    @clairehuttlinger: Please post your own topic in the HowTo & Troubleshooting forum.

    awesome…super awesome header. The images pops up well in the portfolio gallery, however they are not completely visible on their own page, perhaps you may want to do something about it. Even in your first blog article the snapshot is partially visible.

    Looks like there are too many old pages in the index which do not return a proper 404.
    Rest is awesome
    Keep it up !

    Thread Starter dmd54


    Thanks! I noticed that as well with the images. I actually don’t even want the tab to link them to a separate page but I haven’t figured out how to stop that from happening.

    what do you mean about “old pages in the index”? I have a 404 so if it’s not showing up let me know where so I can try and fix it.


    Well u could just delete the line of the code that is causing it. But the pages that those images create will be there and still will appear in search engines unless they are appended no-index meta tags in post-editor. I see that you use wordpress seo so that can be done pretty easily.

    If you do not want the pages at all than you could look for any good photo gallery solutions like nextgen, it will place all your images on single page without creating lots of useless pages and you could make them appear on light-box and what not. Apart from that you may also consider to redirect the attachment pages to post pages using one of the wordpress-seo plugin settings.

    By “old pages in the index” i mean I found a lot of your older articles in the google’s index and I clicked on about 8-10 random links and a few links did not return a proper 404. You can check it thoroughly youself with on google. There are currently 212 pages indexed.

    Thread Starter dmd54


    I deleted the permalink for the tab images so it should solve that problem. I’ll take a look at nextgen as well and see if it makes sense to switch the gallery over.

    Thanks for the heads up on the links. I didn’t realize there was that many pages indexed, I had an old blog so maybe it’s from that. I’ll look for the pages you’re talking about and try to fix that too.


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