I do not want to multiply the shipping rate for each product.
I want to charge:
6 euro in total if in the cart there are 1 or 2 item
3 euro in total if in the cart there are 3 item
2.4 euro in total if in the cart there more then 3 item
and it doesn’t matter if the products are the same or different.
Following I paste the log.
Thanks a lot!
——— start log ———-
Starting Fish and Ships (free) calculation, for method: [Costi di spedizione]. Instance_id: [10], Local time: [2020-05-14 16:11:28]
Fish and Ships version: [1.0.5], WP: [5.4.1], WC: [4.0.1], Multilingual: [NO]
Rule #1
Check matching selection. Method: [quantity], Group-by: [none], min: [1], max: [3]
. Ungrouped, calculate: #3244 Alipower (1 * 1) accomulated: 1
. Ungrouped, calculate: #3148 Normoidral (1 * 1) accomulated: 1
. Ungrouped, calculate: #3086 Mioplus (1 * 1) accomulated: 1
Currently matching products (accumulated checkings result):
Non-grouped > items: 3
. Alipower (1)
. Normoidral (1)
. Mioplus (1)
Calculated rule #1 cost: €6.00
Rule #2
Check matching selection. Method: [quantity], Group-by: [none], min: [3], max: [4]
. Ungrouped, calculate: #3244 Alipower (1 * 1) accomulated: 1
. Ungrouped, calculate: #3148 Normoidral (1 * 1) accomulated: 1
. Ungrouped, calculate: #3086 Mioplus (1 * 1) accomulated: 1
Currently matching products (accumulated checkings result):
Non-grouped > items: 0
No product matches for this rule
Rule #3
Check matching selection. Method: [quantity], Group-by: [none], min: [4], max: []
. Ungrouped, calculate: #3244 Alipower (1 * 1) accomulated: 1
. Ungrouped, calculate: #3148 Normoidral (1 * 1) accomulated: 1
. Ungrouped, calculate: #3086 Mioplus (1 * 1) accomulated: 1
Currently matching products (accumulated checkings result):
Non-grouped > items: 0
No product matches for this rule
FINAL COST: €6.00 [non-taxable]
Usage on calculation: Memory: [13.4KB], DB queries: [0], Time elapsed: [0.0015 sec.]
—-end log———-