• So this plugin incorrectly aligns the text for arabic when you are in the admin. I could override most of this with an admin theme except for the WYSIWYG editors. That was fixed by finding the following to qtranslkate_javascript.php around line 333:

    $q_config['js']['qtrans_switch'] = "
    		switchEditors.go = function(id, lang) {
    			id = id || 'content';
    			lang = lang || 'toggle';

    Then add:

    // fix for arabic
    			if(lang == 'ar'){
    				jQuery('#qtrans_textarea_content').css({'direction': 'rtl'});

    Hopefully this helps someone, maybe it will make it into a revision of the plugin…

    Also the admin theme styles i added were:

    	direction: rtl !important;
    	direction: rtl !important;

    You will need to create your own plugin to load those in the admin, you cannot just add that to styles.css, see theming admin wordpress article.


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