hi Adam – it looks like you’re right – the reason i wasn’t seeing the links is because nearly all the URLs on the redirects tab redirect to the same URL (301, 302, 307) which means there seems to be a new bug here
example: https://www.buchenwald.de/
redirects to the same URL (307) on the Redirects tab, however it actually redirects to https://www.buchenwald.de/nc/896/
if you load the URL
before BLC listed the ‘source’ URL as https://www.buchenwald.de/nc/896/
and displayed the ‘fix redirect’ link, however now it lists the same URL twice (in URL and Source columns) and there is no fix link
in my case BLC is listing 71 redirects and of those only 1 shows the ‘fix redirect’ link – for all of the others, i don’t know if they’re actual redirects or not since the original and source URLs are the same