• Using the Ajax Event Calendar, I needed to show the from-to dates in the widget on the side and could not get a response — so I came up with a solution. It might look ugly, but it was only a few lines to change.

    In the ajax-event-calendar.php file, in the following function:
    ‘function render_eventlist_events($events, $whitelabel, $limit)’
    around line 841 called “link to event” here is the original:

    function render_eventlist_events($events, $whitelabel, $limit) {
    	usort($events, array($this, 'array_compare_order'));
    	$rows = $this->convert_array_to_object($events);
    	$out = '';
    	foreach ($rows as $count => $row) {
    //if ($count < $limit) {
    if (!$limit || $count < $limit) {
    	// split database formatted datetime value into display formatted date and time values
    	$row->start_date	= $this->convert_date($row->start, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_DATE_FORMAT);
    	$row->start_time 	= $this->convert_date($row->start, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_TIME_FORMAT);
    	$row->end_date = $this->convert_date($row->end, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_DATE_FORMAT);
    	$row->end_time = $this->convert_date($row->end, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_TIME_FORMAT);
    	// link to event
    	$class = ($whitelabel) ? '' : ' ' . $row->className;
    	$out .= '<li class="fc-event round5' . $class . '" onClick="jQuery.aecDialog({\'id\':' . $row->id . ',\'start\':\'' . $row->start . '\',\'end\':\'' . $row->end . '\'});">';
    	$out .= '<span class="fc-event-time">';
    	$out .= $row->start_date;
    	if (!$row->allDay) {
               $out .= ' ' . $row->start_time;
    	$out .= '</span>';
    	$out .= '<span class="fc-event-title">' . $this->render_i18n_data($row->title) . '</span>';
    	$out .= '</li>';
    	return $out;

    Now — here is my custom code:

    function render_eventlist_events($events, $whitelabel, $limit) {
    	usort($events, array($this, 'array_compare_order'));
    	$rows = $this->convert_array_to_object($events);
    	$out = '';
    	foreach ($rows as $count => $row) {
    //if ($count < $limit) {
    if (!$limit || $count < $limit) {
    	// split database formatted datetime value into display formatted date and time values
    	$row->start_date	= $this->convert_date($row->start, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_DATE_FORMAT);
    	$row->start_time 	= $this->convert_date($row->start, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_TIME_FORMAT);
    	$row->end_date = $this->convert_date($row->end, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_DATE_FORMAT);
    	$row->end_time = $this->convert_date($row->end, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_TIME_FORMAT);
    	// link to event
    	$class = ($whitelabel) ? '' : ' ' . $row->className;
    	$out .= '<li class="fc-event round5' . $class . '" onClick="jQuery.aecDialog({\'id\':' . $row->id . ',\'start\':\'' . $row->start . '\',\'end\':\'' . $row->end . '\'});">';
    	$out .= '<span class="fc-event-time">';
    	$out .= $row->start_date;
    	// Show Start-End dates if not equal and not all day; else show start time -- VALERIE LASKOWSKI 10/13/2015
    	if (!$row->allDay) {
               $out .= ' ' . $row->start_time;
    	} else {
    	   if ($row->start_date!==$row->end_date) {
    	     $out .= '-' . $row->end_date;
    	$out .= '</span>';
    	$out .= '<span class="fc-event-title">' . $this->render_i18n_data($row->title) . '</span>';
    	$out .= '</li>';
    	return $out;

    [Moderator Note: Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been damaged by the forum’s parser.]


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  • Present shortcode will handle most anything.

    For the next year:

    [eventlist start=2016-01-01 end=2016-12-31]

    [eventlist start=2016-01-01 end=’+1 year’]

    Also if you want to list the events for the next month:

    [eventlist start=now end=’+1 month’]

    Thread Starter laskowv


    lwoods – you are correct about the shortcode….However, the widget will not show the actual “end date”. Currently, it will only show the start date for the event.

    Example: Event is from February 1, 2016 – February 5, 2016
    Widget will only show “February 1, 2016” and/or time; then the description below it.

    The fix above will show “February 1, 2016-February 5, 2016” in the actual widget and the description below it.

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