• I have been searching for weeks for a solution to Trackbacks in 1.2. They DO NOT WORK. Period. Several posts in this support forum go completely ignored. Nobody has posted any kind of response, even questions about particulars of the people having problems. I am growing entirely UNIMPRESED with this particular piece of software by the day, as more days go by (weeks) without any apparent attempt to answer this problem. Trackbacks is an absolute requirement for me for any weblog software I use. Somebody PLEASE pipe up and let us know you’re listening.

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  • corrupt file maybe?

    That can’t be the root cause. I have comments unmoderated, yet I can’t send trackback pings. “Allow link notifications” is on.

    the problem with trackack only apears wit tb urls like this:
    The problem exists in the Trackback function in /wp-includes/functions.php
    In WP 1.2: Line 555
    in Nightly 2004-06-30 line: 525
    The questionmark to seperate path (/tb.php) and querystring (id=123) is missing there. The TB Uri that WP uses looks like this:
    https://foo.net/tb.phpid=123, which certainly will only trackback the 404-Errorpage. Just add the questionmark and erverything works fine.
    I fixed the Problem here:
    Hope I could help,

    I made the suggested edit and tried sending out some pingbacks and trackbacks, to both WP and non-WP blogs. Utter failure. I receive them fine but outgoing ones just don’t appear. I don’t use trackback a whole lot, so this bug didn’t stop me using WordPress, but I must admit it is kind of annoying.
    In the meantime you could always add a link to an external trackbacking service such as SimpleTracks to your post page. It’s not ideal but for the time being it will have to do.

    I picked up the nightly build; no affecton Trackbacks.
    Incoming trackbacks aren’t being shown reliably; on a recent post on my blog, a livejournal and a blogger.com user tried to ping me to no affect, but another WordPress user was able to ping me. I couldn’t ping myself though.
    Outgoing pings seem to work maybe 1 in 10 tries. Sometimes I get a “Already Pinged” on the edit screen but the trackback was never received. Pinging them manually works.
    I’m not complaining – just trying to fill in some case histories to try to track the bug down and to verify that even in the 7-7-04 nightly it still isn’t working.

    I got trackbacks working on my 1.2 install. I changed the “mod_rewrite” generated trackback url from:
    to the one used before implementing mod_rewrite:
    https://www.yoursite.com/wordpress/wp-trackback.php/<? the_ID(); ?>
    Not sure if that will help anyone else.

    Try the following for outbound trackbacks:
    diff -r1.129 functions.php
    < $http_request = ‘POST ‘ . $trackback_url[‘path’] . $trackback_url[‘query’] . ” HTTP/1.0\r\n”;

    > $http_request = ‘POST ‘ . $trackback_url[‘path’] . ($trackback_url[‘query’] ? ‘?’.$trackback_url[‘query’] : ”) . ” HTTP/1.0\r\n”;
    This is a derivation of hagen’s fix that should accommodate trackback URLs that use a ‘?’ and those that do not. The diff above applies to current CVS. The line number for 1.2 will be a bit different. Just look for the matching line in the trackback() function in functions.php

    MattRead, so it seems it is a problem with the RewriteRules generating bad trackbak URIs in 1.2 Thanks for the heads up.

    I tested Rboren’s fix against the testblog mentioned here:
    Outbound trackbacks are still not working. The wp-amin interface lists “Already pinged: _______” but the trackback never appears on the target test blog.
    I would test MattRead’s suggestion, but I’m not smart enough to figure out what he’s suggesting. ??

    Thread Starter dlature


    Maybe it is time for a bug fix? A patch , or something? I love WP features, but I gotta have Trackbacks……
    NOne of the above worked for me
    Also, I’d like to be able to properly import my MT blogs, comments, categories, etc. and have the HTML survive. WordPress nicely converts the “Read More” extended entries, but all mynice tables I created for images (usually a table with one row and two columns with image to the left) are now displaying the tags instead of rendering thr tables…….Think it has to do with the format of the export from MT, or some extra step I needed to convert the export before pulling it into WP.
    I also would like to use Technorati links (via their API)….any plugins available for WP?
    Thanks for any of these, order of importance as listed

    I cannot get outgoing trackbacks to work right either. I receive them fine but any trackback I’ve done lately doesn’t work (doesn’t appear on the other blog). I believe this is 1.2 specific as I’ve never had a problem with any previous version.

    debwire: I just set a trackback to a post on your site (you’ll want to delete it). I am using 1.3-alpha-2 so perhaps there is a fix “in the works”

    Thanks, Beel. I hope so.

    That’s not my problem. Incoming (I think) works fine because I get those occasionally.
    Outgoing trackbacks never work. I fill the little trackback box in, and no trackback ever appears on the target site. I have to use a manual trackback form on Haloscan.

    Actually it is your problem. I sent a trackback out and she received it – got it going and coming.

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