• I have been searching for weeks for a solution to Trackbacks in 1.2. They DO NOT WORK. Period. Several posts in this support forum go completely ignored. Nobody has posted any kind of response, even questions about particulars of the people having problems. I am growing entirely UNIMPRESED with this particular piece of software by the day, as more days go by (weeks) without any apparent attempt to answer this problem. Trackbacks is an absolute requirement for me for any weblog software I use. Somebody PLEASE pipe up and let us know you’re listening.

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  • Yeah, my outgoing trackbacks do not work either. They don’t appear on the target site at all.
    Any fix in sight? A patch or something? This is fairly important. Actually, I don’t care as much because I only trackback once every few weeks on average, but I’m sure that it would be nice for most people who are “normal” bloggers and need it every step of the way. ??
    So a patch would be really nice – especially since I just asked a lot of friends to convert from MT to WP. ?? Don’t make me look bad, please. ??

    I wish to heck I could help here but my trackbacks and pingback on 1.2 Mingus
    work just fine. It isn’t the app causing this.

    Just ‘cuz it doesn’t work for you and a few others doesn’t mean its the app. Just check all the “can’t get to work” posts for just about everything. It works for me so it can’t be the app, that’s final. Need to check why it does not work for you.

    Try RESETTING the Mod Rewrite rules by going into your admin, options, permalinks, checking the settings and CLICKING THE “UPDATE PERMALINK STRUCTURE” button.
    I had the same problems that you guys/girls had and this fixed it.

    so you have to choose between s.e friendly urls and trackbacks? :/

    No, he means resetting it – start again withthe permalink rewrites then try the trackbacks.
    At least I think that’s what seriocomic means!

    I thought I was having similar problems in 1.3, but it turned out that all my posts imported from MT were imported with trackback pings turned off. So, even though trackback was enabled for the blog, it was disabled for all the old posts. Just something people might wish to check before trying to solve permalinks or something more complex!

    I’m having the same problems. Trackbacks USED TO work with my blog (running WordPress 1.2) but they no longer do, and I’m not aware of having changed anything. Except maybe minor details in the template. Like the original poster I switched from MovableType, I absolutely need trackbacks and I don’t understand what I might do to try to fix them. I don’t have mod_rewrite on my server so can’t try resetting that stuff.
    Trackbacks internal to my own blog seem to work.
    When I go to the trackback URL for a post on my blog I get an error message:
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class streamreader in ./wp-includes/streams.php on line 26
    I found this error in another support question that had nothing to do with trackbacks, and there there’s a suggestion that a new build of wp-blog-header.php might help. I tried uploading the new build instead of my old one but that made my index page show as php code instead of being “interpreted” by the browser (it just showed the text of the code). Putting the old version of wp-blog-header.php back fixed that problem.
    I’m not very expert about php or servers, but I would love to have my trackbacks back and would really appreciate any ideas…

    I have find a solution that works fine for me. You can view it on my weblog:

    I have find a solution that works fine for me. You can view it on my weblog:
    I hope that it helps you.

    That worked beautifully! Thank you! And thanks for both explaining it well AND providing people like me who want things to work fast without being a programmer with the zip files to fix it fast!

    Using a text editor to add, remove, or move some lines of code doesn’t constitute programming. There is an incorrect assumption that in order to use WordPress one needs programming skills.

    it seems this still isnt fixed.
    my trackback uris generated by WP (nightly 09-05) look like this:
    which will only result in a 404

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