• Resolved Robswaimea


    I am posting this because the previous support was marked resolved.. when actually it wasn’t.

    Revisiting this issue:

    From this support issue I fixed the problem of the conflict with the other calendar plugin I was using when “editing” an event the start/end times would
    be corrupted.
    Actually what was happening was the start/end time was loading at GMT=0 when they should have been loading at GMT+5
    And, of course… as a “newbie” to a lot of this stuff of I went through much reading and permutations of adding/subtracting
    numbers and time to variables etc etc… which is ok because along the way learned stuff.

    BUT once again… the fix was easy… correcting the GMT offset was simply adding 5 hours aka 18000 seconds to the code as seen below in the
    “when.php” template.

    <input id="start-time" class="em-time-input em-time-start type="text" size="8" maxlength="8" name="event_start_time" value="<?php echo date( $hours_format, $EM_Event->start+18000 ); ?>" />

    <input id=”end-time” class=”em-time-input em-time-end” type=”text” size=”8″ maxlength=”8″ name=”event_end_time” value=”<?php echo date( $hours_format, $EM_Event->end+18000 ); ?>” />`

    If the “support” team here reads, this and sees a conflict… I haven’t found one yet, please let me know.

    Thanks again for your plugin.


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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    thanks, I’m going to let the devs know about this.

    Thread Starter Robswaimea


    Marked as Resolved !
    Thanks for the plugin !

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    Hi, I don’t think this is the fix. You need to figure out why your other plugin is making offsets on our fields, it shouldn’t.

    Your solution above assumes everyone is in your timezone, whereas that’s not the case. When displaying the dates/times, we’re not wanting to add any offsets because the time displayed/stored is in the local timezone.

    The only time we offset things is in iCal to convert the times to UTC/GMT, meaning we change the local time to GMT time.

    you can always mark your own threads you started as unresolved on the right sidebar

    Thread Starter Robswaimea


    Hi, I don’t think this is the fix. You need to figure out why your other plugin is making offsets on our fields, it shouldn’t.

    Thanks and I understand what you are saying. Unfortunately the other plugin (Calender) is no longer supported. I was lucky it kept working when updating to 4.0 WP. It does what I want simply and quickly.. but I know I will have to abandon it eventually… I did spend of bunch of time trying to figure out “it’s” problem…

    The only thing I might mention… is that the other plugin says “not to set Time Zone in the Theme’s “General” setting a + or – GMT but to use the “Name” Time Zones.” Which it is (New York).
    I don’t know if that is the conflict with EM.
    I spent a bunch of time looking at the other plugin to figure out something… but ended up with the fix I used.

    you can always mark your own threads you started as unresolved on the right sidebar

    Thanks… I didn’t think you guys were giving me the “bums rush” by marking resolve… I just started the new post mostly because it addressed the situation clearly… I was lucky it worked for me it saved some headaches when cranking out a bunch of events.

    From what I could tell the when.php and the associate reoccurring-when.php files are only called upon editing Events. As it has not caused any “display” problems etc. I guess for now we’ll call it a “Duct Tape” fix ??

    If I wasn’t so broke I’d toss some bucks to you guys..

    Thanks so very much for your plugin you guys are great !

    WP 4.01 Twentyfourteen Theme

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