• I was reviewing this – https://firebyjack.com/ – example of a WP Ecommerce store, and noticed this at the bottom of each page:

    COPYRIGHT 2009
    This site is powered by MOJO from USMediaGroup.com FireByJack.com – MyGasTech.com – StoveMart.com – All Rights Reseved.

    Does anyone else think it’s messed up that these developers – usmediagroup.com – are rebranding WordPress as if it’s their own magical portal software called MOJO – https://usmediagroup.com/mojo.html that they wrote?


    MOJO is the total package content manager from U.S. Media Group.

    With MOJO as the powerplant your Business or Organization web site is so much more than just a web site! In fact, web pages are just the beginning of what MOJO will do for your online presence.

    Don’t worry, when assembling MOJO we understood that having a web site that works is of little use if you have to shell out big bucks to make changes to a complex system. That’s why MOJO features an administration dashboard that allows YOU to make all changes and updates to the site. Add photo galleries, videos, blogs, pages, manage your shopping cart, events calendar and much more from one place and with a simple user interface that is not difficult or overly geeky.

    All those “examples” you’ll find on that page are WP sites, some even with this still hanging around in the head:
    <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 2.6.2" />

    Everyone has removed an attribution link in the footer for security or aesthetic reasons. But claiming that WordPress is your own private label CMS is a bit of BS – don’t ya think?


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  • haha, they didn’t even rename the files for login, wp-admin is still a directory :p

    Looks like some people just trying to rip off wordpress, I’m not sure how much we can do about it, better show wordpress this though, they are infringing copyright.




    <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 2.7″ />


    <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 2.6.2″ />

    “MOJO is the total package content manager from U.S. Media Group.”

    I went no farther than that. It doesn’t appear to hide anything. Looks like they are selling their own “package” of WordPress related goodies to people who don’t what to do it themselves. I did find the usmediagroup.com page an interesting read. Talk about trying too hard. Perhaps that just goes hand in hand with trying to reach out to their “faith based” target audience. But still, it all looked like wordpress and wordpress related content management plugins and add-ons to me. I didn’t really stumble on anything original.

    Meh… Interesting.

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