• Hi,

    This isn’t particularly wordpress specific (except that I want to use it in the theme of my wordpress blog) but:

    Is there any PHP / Javascript / XHTML code I can use to detect whether the browser that is loading the page has flash installed ?

    I want to use a Flash MP3 player on my site to replace the list of podcast chapter links on my sidebar; this way someone has the option to just listen to the chapter in the browser, or follow the link to the post. But: if a viewer doesn’t have flash installed, I want it to default to the basic ul list I have now.


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  • you dont need that, do this:

    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="blah.swf" width="x" height="x">
    <param name="movie"blah.swf" />
    <param name="menu" value="false" />
    <param name="bgcolor" value="xxxxxx" />
    <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
    this is what you see without flash <— make that your no flash content

    Thread Starter thornomad


    That, my friend, is genius. And I shall employ it immediately and you will be forever welcome at my campfire.

    What is “wmode” ?

    its for ppl that use lightbox on their site also, I took the code off my site. Easier than looking it up elsewhere ??

    dont know if you use it either, but there is little reg hack floating around the net to enable and disable flash in ie. I dont use any flash blockers in ff so it (the hack) comes in handy when i want to see how things look without flash.

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