Flash fader problem
hi guys i installed a flash fader in my site i activated and go to manage but i get this error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate() in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\citygatescebu.org\wp-content\plugins\flashfader\flashfader.php on line 61
how can i fix this error
i was thinking maybe i need to make an upload folder but was doubting it can you help i just tried it fore now in my local can you help guys thanks im running it locally for now
/*Plugin Name: Flashfader
Plugin URI: https://www.lynk.de/flashfader/
Description: This plugin allows you to put a flash slideshow on your site. Image upload and configuration via the admin panel.
Version: 1.1
Author: Marcus Grellert
Author URI: https://www.lynk.de/Copyright (c) 2005 Marcus Grellert – email: wp#lynk.de
Code on this page released under the MIT license
https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.htmlAdditional Credits:
Original crossfading slideshow flash by Todd Dominey
https://whatdoiknow.org/archives/001629.shtmlInstallation – Usage – Uninstallation:
=> how_to_use.txt
or https://www.lynk.de/flashfader/*/
// ==============================
// STUFF ONE MIGHT WANT TO CHANGE$lynkff_txt_gd = ‘<b>Your server does not seem to support the GD image functions.</b>
Flashfader depends on the GD lib, functions that support image creation and modification. https://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php
‘;$lynkff_txt_dir = ‘To use Flashfader, the directory <b>”wp-content”</b> within your WordPress installation on your webserver must be writeable.
To change permission, use a FTP program to access your websever and right-click on the directory <b>”wp-content”</b>.
Tick all boxes that say “Write” or set the permission to <b>777</b>.’;$lynkff_submit_ok = ‘<b>Done!</b>’;
// =============
* Add menu item to WP admin panel
if(!function_exists(‘lynkff_addAdminMenu’)) {
function lynkff_addAdminMenu() {
add_submenu_page(‘edit.php’, ‘Flashfader Administration’, ‘Flashfader’, 9, ‘flashfader.php’,’lynkff_displayForm’);
* Check for GD lib
function lynkff_checkGd(){
return true;
return false;
* Check/Create folder/files for images & xml
function lynkff_checkDir()
$default_serial = ‘a:9:{s:12:”lynkff_width”;s:3:”185″;s:13:”lynkff_height”;s:2:”60″;s:12:”lynkff_color”;s:7:”#ffffff”;s:12:”lynkff_order”;s:1:”1″;s:11:”lynkff_loop”;s:1:”1″;s:11:”lynkff_time”;s:1:”9″;s:11:”lynkff_fade”;s:1:”2″;s:12:”lynkff_valid”;s:1:”1″;s:13:”lynkff_submit”;s:4:”Save”;}’;if(file_exists(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/’))
return true;
return false;
mkdir(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/’,0777);// Write default data file
$handle = fopen(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/data.txt’, ‘w’);
fwrite($handle, $default_serial);
fclose($handle);// Write default images file
$handle = fopen(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/images.txt’, ‘w’);
fwrite($handle, ”);
fclose($handle);// Write flash code to embed in html
lynkff_writeFlashHtml(’60’,’185′,’#ffffff’,1);return true;
* Writes xml which is called by the swf
* Is called every time data or image is being changed
function lynkff_writeImageXml()
// Open file and fill array with unserialized data
$a_1 = unserialize(file_get_contents(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/data.txt’));// order
$order = ‘sequential’;
$order = ‘random’;// loop
$loop = ‘yes’;
$loop = ‘no’;$out = ‘<gallery timer=”‘.$a_1[‘lynkff_time’].'” order=”‘.$order.'” fadetime=”‘.$a_1[‘lynkff_fade’].'” looping=”‘.$loop.'” xpos=”0″ ypos=”0″>’;
// Get images and their order
$a_images = unserialize(file_get_contents(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/images.txt’));// If any images uploaded
ksort($a_images);foreach($a_images as $key => $value)
$out .= ‘<image path=”‘.get_settings(‘siteurl’).’/wp-content/flashfader/’.$value.’.jpg” />’;
$out .= ‘</gallery>’;
$handle = fopen(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/images.xml’, ‘w’);
* Writes flash code to embed in html
function lynkff_writeFlashHtml($height,$width,$color,$valid)
// invalid xhtml
$tmpl = ‘<object classid=”clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000″ codebase=”https://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0″
width=”‘.$width.'” height=”‘.$height.'” id=”flashfader” align=””><param name=”movie” value=”‘.get_settings(‘siteurl’).’/wp-content/plugins/flashfader.swf” /><param name=”FlashVars” value=”path2xml=’.get_settings(‘siteurl’).’/wp-content/flashfader/images.xml”><param name=”quality” value=”high” /><param name=”bgcolor” value=”‘.$color.'” /><embed src=”‘.get_settings(‘siteurl’).’/wp-content/plugins/flashfader.swf” FlashVars=”path2xml=’.get_settings(‘siteurl’).’/wp-content/flashfader/images.xml” quality=”high” bgcolor=”‘.$color.'” width=”‘.$width.'” height=”‘.$height.'” name=”flashfader” align=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” pluginspage=”https://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer”></embed></object>’;
// valid xhtml
$tmpl = ‘<object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” data=”‘.get_settings(‘siteurl’).’/wp-content/plugins/flashfader.swf” width=”‘.$width.'” height=”‘.$height.'”><param name=”bgcolor” value=”‘.$color.'” /><param name=”movie” value=”‘.get_settings(‘siteurl’).’/wp-content/plugins/flashfader.swf” /><param name=”FlashVars” value=”path2xml=’.get_settings(‘siteurl’).’/wp-content/flashfader/images.xml” /><param name=”quality” value=”high” /></object>’;
}$handle = fopen(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/flashfaderhtml.txt’, ‘w’);
* Crop/Create Image
function lynkff_makeImage($r_image,$dstHeight,$dstWidth,$path_image)
// Code from some comment on php.net$srcWidth = imagesx($r_image);
$srcHeight = imagesy($r_image);if($srcHeight < $srcWidth)
$ratio = (double)($srcHeight / $dstHeight);
$cpyWidth = round($dstWidth * $ratio);if ($cpyWidth > $srcWidth) {
$ratio = (double)($srcWidth / $dstWidth);
$cpyWidth = $srcWidth;
$cpyHeight = round($dstHeight * $ratio);
$xOffset = 0;
$yOffset = round(($srcHeight – $cpyHeight) / 2);
else {
$cpyHeight = $srcHeight;
$xOffset = round(($srcWidth – $cpyWidth) / 2);
$yOffset = 0;
else {
$ratio = (double)($srcWidth / $dstWidth);$cpyHeight = round($dstHeight * $ratio);
if ($cpyHeight > $srcHeight)
$ratio = (double)($srcHeight / $dstHeight);
$cpyHeight = $srcHeight;
$cpyWidth = round($dstWidth * $ratio);
$xOffset = round(($srcWidth – $cpyWidth) / 2);
$yOffset = 0;
else {
$cpyWidth = $srcWidth;
$xOffset = 0;
$yOffset = round(($srcHeight – $cpyHeight) / 2);
}$newHandle = imagecreatetruecolor($dstWidth,$dstHeight);
imagecopyresampled($newHandle, $r_image, 0, 0, $xOffset, 0, $dstWidth, $dstHeight, $cpyWidth, $cpyHeight);if(imagejpeg($newHandle,$path_image,94))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Removes dir and all its contents
function lynkff_removeDir($dir) {
if($objs = glob($dir.”/*”)){
foreach($objs as $obj) {
is_dir($obj)? rmdirr($obj) : unlink($obj);
}// ========
// CODE/*
* Display admin page body
function lynkff_displayForm()
global $lynkff_txt_dir, $lynkff_txt_gd, $lynkff_submit_ok;$out = $lynkff_uninstall = ”;
// Check for GD lib
if(lynkff_checkGd() != true)
$note .= $lynkff_txt_gd;
// Check write permissions
elseif(lynkff_checkDir() != true)
$note .= $lynkff_txt_dir;
{// IF Settings form is posted
//Write serialized Data to file
$handle = fopen(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/data.txt’, ‘w’);
fwrite($handle, serialize($_POST));
fclose($handle);// Write new flash-html
lynkff_writeFlashHtml($_POST[‘lynkff_height’],$_POST[‘lynkff_width’],$_POST[‘lynkff_color’],$_POST[‘lynkff_valid’]);// Update XMl
lynkff_writeImageXml();$note = $lynkff_submit_ok;
}// IF Image is uploaded
{if (empty($_FILES[‘lynkff_file’][‘size’])) //if postedfile size = 0
$note = ‘No image selected’;
elseif(!strstr($_FILES[‘lynkff_file’][‘type’],”jpeg”)) //if type != jpeg
$note = ‘Sorry! jpeg/jpg only.’;
elseif (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[‘lynkff_file’][‘tmp_name’]))
$img_id = time(); // use timestamp for unique id// Get size
$a_data = unserialize(file_get_contents(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/data.txt’));// Create Images
$r_image = imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES[‘lynkff_file’][‘tmp_name’]);
$new_image = lynkff_makeImage($r_image,$a_data[‘lynkff_height’],$a_data[‘lynkff_width’],ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/’.$img_id.’.jpg’);
$new_image = lynkff_makeImage($r_image,60,60,ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/’.$img_id.’_thumb.jpg’);$a_images = unserialize(file_get_contents(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/images.txt’));
$a_images[] = $img_id;
// Save ser. images
$handle = fopen(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/images.txt’, ‘w’);
fclose($handle);// Update XMl
lynkff_writeImageXml();$note = $lynkff_submit_ok;
// IF Image are sorted
asort($_POST[‘lynkff_img’]);// Create new array with key order
foreach($_POST[‘lynkff_img’] as $key=>$value)
$a_images[]= $key;
}// Save ser. images
$handle = fopen(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/images.txt’, ‘w’);
fclose($handle);// Update XMl
lynkff_writeImageXml();$note = $lynkff_submit_ok;
}// IF Image are sorted
{$array = array_flip($_POST[‘lynkff_del’]);
// Remove images
unlink(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/’.$array[‘delete’].’.jpg’);// Remove from images.txt
$a_images = unserialize(file_get_contents(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/images.txt’));foreach($a_images as $key=>$value)
$a_images2[] = $value;
}// Save ser. images
$handle = fopen(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/images.txt’, ‘w’);
fclose($handle);// Update XMl
// IF Uninstall
$note = $lynkff_submit_ok.’
All files and folders have been deleted. Now click <b>Plugins</b> in the admin panel above and <b>Deactivate</b> the Flashfader plugin.’;
$lynkff_uninstall = 1;
}// ———
// Open file and populate $_POST with unserialized data
$_POST = unserialize(file_get_contents(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/data.txt’));// Check if update to 1.1
if(!isset($_POST[‘lynkff_valid’]) AND $lynkff_uninstall!=1)
$_POST[‘lynkff_valid’] = 1;
$note .= ‘To <b>finish your update to Version 1.1</b> click “Save” in the Display Settings section.’;
}$out .= ‘
<fieldset class=”options”>
<legend>Display Settings</legend>
<form method=”post” action=”‘.$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’].'”>Width: <input type=”text” name=”lynkff_width” class=”lynkff” value=”‘.$_POST[‘lynkff_width’].'” />px
Height: <input type=”text” name=”lynkff_height” class=”lynkff” value=”‘.$_POST[‘lynkff_height’].'” />px Background-Color: <input type=”text” name=”lynkff_color” value=”‘.$_POST[‘lynkff_color’].'” style=”width:60px;” /> (use hexadecimal code including #,i.e.: #ff6600)Fade Order: <input type=”text” name=”lynkff_order” class=”lynkff” value=”‘.$_POST[‘lynkff_order’].'” /> (1=sequential, 0=random) Looping: <input type=”text” name=”lynkff_loop” class=”lynkff” value=”‘.$_POST[‘lynkff_loop’].'” /> (1=yes, 0=no)
Image display time: <input type=”text” name=”lynkff_time” class=”lynkff” value=”‘.$_POST[‘lynkff_time’].'” />sec. Image2Image fade time: <input type=”text” name=”lynkff_fade” class=”lynkff” value=”‘.$_POST[‘lynkff_fade’].'” /> (1=slowest) XHTML-valid flash embed:<input type=”text” name=”lynkff_valid” value=”‘.$_POST[‘lynkff_valid’].'” class=”lynkff” />(1=yes, 0=no)
<input type=”submit” name=”lynkff_submit” value=”Save” />
// BLOCK Upload and Images
$out .= ‘<fieldset class=”options”>
<legend>Upload New Image</legend>
<form method=”post” action=”‘.$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’].'” enctype=”multipart/form-data”>
Choose Image: <input type=”file” name=”lynkff_file” /><input type=”submit” name=”lynkff_upload” value=”Upload” />
<fieldset class=”options”>
<legend>Your Images</legend>
<form method=”post” action=”‘.$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’].'”>’;// Get images.txt
$a_images = unserialize(file_get_contents(ABSPATH.’wp-content/flashfader/images.txt’));// If any images uploaded
foreach($a_images as $key => $value)
$out .= ‘<img src=”../wp-content/flashfader/’.$value.’_thumb.jpg” border=”1″ /> <input type=”text” class=”lynkff” name=”lynkff_img[‘.$value.’]” value=”‘.$key.'” /> <input type=”submit” value=”delete” name=”lynkff_del[‘.$value.’]” />
}$out .= ‘
<input type=”submit” name=”lynkff_sort” value=”Change Order” />
// Add notes
$out .= ‘<fieldset class=”options”>
<b>Code for the template</b>:
<?php include (ABSPATH.\’wp-content/flashfader/flashfaderhtml.txt\’); ?><b>XHTML-valid flash embed option</b>: Regular code to embed flash movies in HTML includes code which is invalid in XHTML. There is a workaround which validates, but the flash might not display in certain oldish browsers, i.e. IE on Mac, Netscape 4.x . It works with all current big browsers: IE(Win), Firefox, Mozilla, Safari, Opera.
</fieldset>’;// Add uninstall
$out .= ‘<div style=”text-align:right”><form method=”post” action=”‘.$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’].'”><input type=”submit” name=”lynkff_uninst” value=”Uninstall Flashfader” onclick=”javascript:check=confirm(\’You are about to delete all your settings and images! Are you sure?\’);if(check==false) return false;” /></form></div>’;}//else
// Note snuff
$note = ‘<fieldset class=”options” style=”background:#fef0c2;”>
<legend>Notice</legend>’.$note.'</fieldset>’;// Output
echo ‘<style type=”text/css”>
input.lynkff {
<div class=”wrap”>
<h2>Flashfader Administration</h2>
// Prints HTML
add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘lynkff_addAdminMenu’);?>
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