• I want to simply replace the header of my “Kubrick”-themed gallery with a .swf file. It seems I simply cannot replace and redirect the file information in the header.php file, as the flash file does not appear once updated. Can someone advise me on this? I’m looking for something simple, as I have no knowledge of PHP beyond located file names within the code. I greatly appreciate any help, thanks!

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  • stchatterbox


    very sorry about that. but after trying for so many days, the problem is still not solved yet.
    please take a look at https://seville.oo.nu/meltingdot and you’ll know my problem.

    the .swf file tends to go a bit out of the original position as it was supposed to be……

    i tried to figure out all possible problems and read all over this forum and googled, but there’s no clue until now.

    anyone could help this time? thanks a lot.



    I am trying to do the same thing at:
    I have no idea what to do, some postings advised on changing the CSS, other the header, I tried both, no result…



    haha, then it’s too strange, coz i made the header the same size as the jpg header!
    but if i save the header as gif instead of swf, then there’s no problem at all.

    so what’s wrong with it?

    Anyway, after a bit more reading, I ended up inserting the code in the php header, see code below:


    the blog is at:
    and the flash header does not show
    the swf is copied in the same location with the header.php.
    any thoughts?

    stchatterbox, I see that your flash header is 1px off, but at least the problem is consistent both in IE and Firefox; would you mind sharig the code with me? I assume you inserted the flash code into the header.php?

    My flash header also shows up one pixel off in IE, but shows up fine in Firefox. Has anyone figured out why? I’m using the default theme with replaced images. My header is 760×200.

    That’s weird!
    I’ve got the same problem, but it’s that way in FireFox as well as IE. The header comes down 1px, destroying the layout.
    The solution I’ve tried, after day’s of fiddling with code, is cutting the top pixels off the swf ^^
    Now it shows up just fine, but I doubt if I was supposed to solve it that way.

    You guys could try it, might work for you aswell.

    The code I used in the header.php:
    ‘<div id=”header”>
    <object classid=”clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000″ codebase=”https://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0&#8243; width=”760″ height=”169″>
    <param name=”movie” value=”https://joolz.nl/wp-content/themes/dusk/images/header1.swf”&gt;
    <param name=quality value=high>
    <embed src=”https://joolz.nl/wp-content/themes/dusk/images/header1.swf&#8221; quality=high pluginspage=”https://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&#8221; type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”760″ height=”169″></embed>

    The header.php your theme uses might be a bit different.
    I also removed the original line that had the header’s title in it.

    In the style.css I replaced the #header code with this:
    ‘#header {
    margin: 0 !important; margin: 0 0 0 0px; padding: 0px height:169px; width: 760px;
    padding: 0 0 85 0px;
    width: 760px;
    height: 169px;

    Even though the original image was 170px in height, and I cannot grasp the fact that swf dimensions are not the same as gif, jpg or even png dimensions, but cutting the 1px off did the trick ??

    (when copy pasting the code, don’t forget to take away the backticks. ‘ ‘)

    I’m having a weird issue here. I can get my flash to display fine on the front page, but not on any other page. I’m using the absolute path to the flash file. Any help is appreciated.

    https://www.jeffbalke.com/about/ <– missing file

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