• Ent?o instalei o Flickr aqui e ele me retornou isso:

    Ops! O Flickr n?o pode encontrar um URL de retorno de chamada válido.
    Um aplicativo externo requisitou os detalhes do seu login para fazer algumas a??es em seu nome, mas falhou ao tentar incluir os dados requisitados.

    Você n?o precisa realmente saber o que isso significa, exceto que n?o poderá usar o aplicativo até que esse problema seja corrigido. (Esse é um problema de terceiros, n?o um problema do Flickr.)

    Como posso resolver!

    Guys, good afternoon!

    So installed Flickr here and he returned it to me:

    Oops! Flickr can not find a valid callback URL.
    An external application requested the details of the logged-in to do some actions on their behalf, but failed to include the requested data.

    You do not really need to know what that means, except that you can not use the application until this problem is corrected. (This is a third-party problem, not a problem Flickr.)

    How can solve!


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  • Nazmy, I think you will need to have an HTTPS site, meaning it’s a dedicated and secure server. I’m not positive about that, but according to what I saw on Flickr, it mentioned that this new plugin is only good on HTTPS. I’m not sure if that means we cannot use it at all on HTTP or what.

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