• 1. Above the header, it now reads the name of the site in HUUUUGGGEEEE writing that I do not want AT ALL and much preferred just having the header at the top.

    2. At the bottom of the page, it has replaced what I originally had written (after I paid a consultant to set up my site) with the name of the site. How do I change what is written there??

    3. How do I remove the ‘proudly powered by WordPress’? It’s not that I don’t respect, admire and love WordPress – as I am always quick to reccommend it to friends – but I need my site to look as professional as possible as it is for business purposes.

    Damn it, I KNEW i shouldn’t have installed that update and I did it anyway… Please will someone tell me what to do to clean up my mess.

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  • I created a child theme, and added the header.php and style.css files that i previously edited and backed up before the update overwrote them, but the logo i created above the header image is blank. My site is fundacionchimborazo.org, and you can see that there is just a white box for the site-title.

    All i originally did to display my logo above the header was change the header.php from:




    Can’t seem to figure it out. Sorry, i’m pretty new at this.

    once your theme is working well, it’s a good idea to download it, change the name (also in style.css) , upload it and install.

    you now have your own theme.

    I think we’d all be better off if the WordPress Core updates were completely separate from the theme. A wordpress core update has just meant i have to repeat some edits …

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