Without looking at the coding, I can’t be too sure what the problem is, BUT from what you’ve said, it sounds like to me your footer is having a problem – and excuse the pun – clearing some hurdles of the div
I say this because your footer is following the flow of your content rather than just staying at the foot where it should.
Try this:
Create a div in the stylesheet.css
to contain the footer and only the footer and make the div as wide as your WP page (content and sidebars included).
This is what’s keeping my footer from walking around my theme:
.clear {
clear: both;
#footer-wrap {
background: #111111;
#footer {
width: 750px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 20px 0;
font:normal 10px/10px Verdana, Tahoma;
text-align: center;
color: #EFE074;
The .clear is to make my footer clear/be posted after the contents and sidebar.
The #footer-wrap is a container for the footer div and I use it to set the background color of my footer bar.
The #footer itself and its info contained within is set to the width of my site contents (sidebar included) and this prevents the footer from appearing directly following either my posted content or sidebar.
When you write the code on footer.php page, you need to call them in the order of: .clear, #footer-wrap, and #footer.
If doing the following doesn’t help, post your footer code from the stylesheet.css and the footer code from footer.php and maybe we can help you get your footer from walking off.