• Resolved mkaddatz



    solving the captchas for the forms works so far. However, the form cannot be submitted. It says:

    “Anti-robot verification failed, please try again. (captcha missing)×”

    The error comes from the fluentforms html:

    <div id="fluentform_1_errors" class="ff-errors-in-stack ff_form_instance_1_1 ff-form-loading_errors ff_form_instance_1_1_errors" style="display: block;"><div class="error text-danger"><span class="error-text">Anti-robot verification failed, please try again. (captcha missing)</span><span class="error-clear">×</span></div></div>

    It also throws an error in the console:

    /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?t=1649251726080:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status

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  • Sharon



    I’m having the same problem. When I test I get this message when trying to send the form:
    Anti-robot verification failed, please try again. (captcha missing)

    I use Fluent Forms and the Friendly Captcha for WordPress plugin. I entered the Sitekey, the API key and enabled the Fluentforms forms integration. Did I miss a step?

    Plugin Author Friendly Captcha


    Hey there!

    Thanks for your info!

    I have just opened an issue for you here:

    Best wishes



    Thank you for helping! I implemented the solution found in the Github issue and it is all good now.

    For anyone who encounters this problem, you can temporarily change 1 line of code until the plugin gets updated. See the Github issue for the PR fix.

    Plugin Author Friendly Captcha


    Hi @retourtjevos & @mkaddatz

    The issue should now be solved and a new plugin version is released! ??

    If you are happy with Friendly Captcha, we would be very happy and grateful if you could give us a positive review for our WordPress plugin ??

    Best wishes,
    The Friendly Captcha Team



    Amazing. You all are damn quick!

    I will set up the form now and test if spam gets reduced and leave a review after testing. It’s the first time I use Friendly Captcha so I want to test it first before leaving a review ????

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