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  • Thread Starter Emir Corovic


    And i facing an another problem, Paypal as Payment Option doesn t work.
    Paypal have an payment option per Creditcard and per Instant Bank Pay and other options, all that options from paypal are not showed up.
    They just is an text option with paypal and thats it:

    This Error appears in Ocean WP and in SUKI WP Theme

    And i use for the “WooCommerce PayPal Payments” Plugin that is supported from Fluid Checkout 2.0 so i am speechless i need your help..

    this is how it normally looks like the paypal payment option without Fluid Checkout Plugin:

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Emir Corovic.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Emir Corovic.
    Plugin Author Diego Versiani


    Hi @sandzo,

    Thanks for trying out Fluid Checkout.

    It seems that you are using the plugin on a webshop in Germany. Right?

    1. Could you confirm whether you are using Germanized or German Market plugin?

    2. About the first issue you reported. Do you mean that the order summary section is not appearing?

    I’m fixing the issues related to compatibility between Fluid Checkout, PayPal and Germanized and will release an update as soon as it is working as expected. That includes showing the buttons in the order summary on the sidebar.


    Thread Starter Emir Corovic


    Hello @diegoversiani ,

    1. can you confirm if you are using the Germanized or German Market plugin?

    Yes I confirm that, however this has no relevance as I checked again on without this plugin I also checked it with different themes. I rather think the problem is theme relevant and the theme Suki WP is not compatible with it. I’m really confused and don’t know what it can really be I would be so happy if I could somehow get this to work.

    2. about the first problem you reported. Do you mean that the order overview is not displayed?

    correct, the payment process Paypal does not work (because Paypal offers yes several payment options, such as debit, credit card payment, installment).

    I want to thank you again and hope you can help me because I was really happy where I found your plugin. I think your plugin is just great and I would definitely buy it in the future.

    Thread Starter Emir Corovic




    i tested now on other shop from me this plugin in combination with germanized plugin and woocommerce and woostify Theme.
    Everything works fine:
    Checkout Page:

    Only 1 think don t work and that is the Paypal Plugin with more Payments from Paypal (because Paypal offers yes several payment options, such as debit, credit card payment, installment)

    Plugin Author Diego Versiani


    Hi @sandzo,

    I’ve finished making the changes and improving the integration with Germanized and German Market plugins.

    I tested the PayPal Payments plugin and the standard integration with PayPal that comes already with WooCommerce and they work as expected with both Germanized and German Market.

    The PayPal buttons should show on the order summary below the order total, replacing the “Place order” button that is initially there with other payment methods.

    See an example here:

    These changes will be available with the next version of the plugin (2.0.4).

    I believe these changes should solve the issues you are experience on your setup.

    1. It would be great if you could test the beta version 2.0.4-beta-1 from the link below:

    In any case, the new version will probably be released during the next week.


    Thread Starter Emir Corovic


    Hello @diegoversiani ,

    thank you firstly for your answer.
    You helped a lot with fixing the germanized plugin and paypal plugin with more payments ??

    The only problem that still appears is that with SUKI WP Theme the order summary don t showed in the sidebar right, it comes for 3 seconds under the page and than it removes automatically.. i showed you on screenshots.

    With Woostify Theme it working everything well, but the problem is that our online shop and all buttons and everything is costum in Suki Wp Theme integrated and we cannot switch so easier to Woostify now. If i change the Template from the Suki WP Theme the wide Template or Standart or Elementor Canvas it doesn t matter the sidebar with order summery still not showed up.
    Is it possible that you fix that last problem and i will be the most happier man on that Earth. If you do that i gonna buy your product the pro version.


    Your Costum Plugin with Woostify Theme (everything works well):

    Your Costum Plugin with our actually Suki WP Theme (the order summery not showed up):
    It appears for atleast 3 secons and after that it removes automatically and nothing is shown:

    Your Costum Plugin with our actually Suki WP Theme, here you see that it automatically removed itself and the order summery is not showed up:
    On this Page you can see self the Error:

    Sincerely from Germany
    Emco Sandzo

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Emir Corovic.
    Plugin Author Diego Versiani


    Hi @sandzo,

    Yes, no problem.

    I have downloaded the Suki theme free version now and will take a look into what needs to be done to add compatibility with it.

    I’ll let you know once an update is available.


    Plugin Author Diego Versiani


    Hi @sandzo,

    The Lite version 2.0.4 has just been officially released.

    I have not yet been able to add compatibility with the Suki theme. I let you know once an update with it is released.


    Thread Starter Emir Corovic


    Okay thank you @diegoversiani <3

    Big Shout out <3
    Thank you man so much.

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