• Noticed this morning that on the Dashboard the flyout/hover menus don’t seem to work for me. But ONLY on the main Dashboard page. Just updated to RC2 and it’s still doing, or rather not doing, the same thing.

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  • So, this is actually happening to my own site. But, it’s due to the Jetpack plugin, which it sounds like you still have activated, because you’re still seeing WP.com stats. It’s that exact widget that is causing the problem.

    I’ll report it to the Jetpack developers.

    I’m using the Jetpack plugin for the stats, too.

    What browser is everyone using?

    Chrome 23 here

    I’m on Chrome 23, but I’ve tested in FF 17 as well with the same result.

    Actually, I’m getting it without Jetpack. The only plugin I have activated is the WP Beta Tester plugin.

    Thread Starter Cyndy Otty


    nacin, I mentioned the stats issue after I had started to reactivate things. As I said, I can’t get the hover/flyout menus to work even with NO plugins enabled. Also, on one of my test sites I have never even installed Jetpack and I have the same issue (and oddly I also seem to have made the media uploader stop popping up, too, but only on that specific site).

    Anyway, I’m using Firefox 16.0.2.

    At this point I’m out of ideas. If anyone is willing to email me the credentials for an administrator account on their site, I would be happy to track this down. (I may subsequently ask if you can provide me temporary FTP access, but I doubt I will need it.) My email is nacin -at- this domain.

    We’re hoping to release WordPress 3.5 this week, so I’d love to make sure this is resolved.

    Admin login for my site should be coming your way. Let me know if you need anything else from me.

    I have also experienced this issue, on a fresh (and plugin-free) install, but I thought it was somehow particular to my server, so I marked it as resolved…

    I had tested this with RC1 on a couple of friends’ servers (both with different hosts), and the flyouts worked fine… and, since RC2, it has worked fine on my server as well.

    Not sure if I can be of any help here, but would be happy to send along an admin login, nacin, if you need it!

    I’ve seen this intermittently on my site. It doesn’t happen all the time.

    I do not have Jetpack installed.

    I’m using Chromium Nightly v25 for Mac.

    I’ll try to test more and see if I can nail it down. With it only happening sometimes, it’s hard to find.

    Thanks all of you.

    I have opened a bug report: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/22757.

    Not sure what is happening yet, but I will keep you updated.

    I’m seeing what I believe to be the same issue on WordPress.com. On the admin bar menu on the right, I have a listing of the .org sites I’ve connected to my account through Jetpack. I can get the initial menu to drop, but subsequent flyouts (Visit Dashboard etc) do not appear when I click on the sitename, and the link doesn’t go anywhere.

    On the WP icon on the admin bar on the left, the menu appears, and as there are no second level flyouts each link seems to work fine (referring to the New Post; Reader; Notifications etc.)

    This is on an iPad. I’m mobile today and unable to check this on a desktop.


    Apologies if this is a separate issue. It seemed related. I should mention that the same issue exists in RC3 for me on a multisite, wherein the menu on the left that lists “My Sites” is broken in the same manner. I only mention .com to eliminate plugin conflicts on my end from the report.

    @mrjarbenne: What may be happening on WordPress.com is an unrelated issue. You should report that to the WordPress.com support forums. (It may also just be an iPad thing.)

    Okay. Think we got this!

    You are all likely running a hardening patch for PHP called Suhosin, which limits the maximum length for a single $_GET variable to 512 characters. In 3.5, we load enough scripts on the dashboard (because QuickPress loads media, the Plugins box loads the plugin installation scripts, etc.) that we blow right past the 512 characters. End result: No scripts at all.

    Please try this nightly build: https://www.ads-software.com/nightly-builds/wordpress-latest.zip, 3.5-RC3-23078. All should be right with the world again. Please confirm, of course.

    Thanks, Nacin.

    That seems to have fixed it on my dev server.

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