I’m seeing what I believe to be the same issue on WordPress.com. On the admin bar menu on the right, I have a listing of the .org sites I’ve connected to my account through Jetpack. I can get the initial menu to drop, but subsequent flyouts (Visit Dashboard etc) do not appear when I click on the sitename, and the link doesn’t go anywhere.
On the WP icon on the admin bar on the left, the menu appears, and as there are no second level flyouts each link seems to work fine (referring to the New Post; Reader; Notifications etc.)
This is on an iPad. I’m mobile today and unable to check this on a desktop.
Apologies if this is a separate issue. It seemed related. I should mention that the same issue exists in RC3 for me on a multisite, wherein the menu on the left that lists “My Sites” is broken in the same manner. I only mention .com to eliminate plugin conflicts on my end from the report.