Ah yes, something like WooRank (which has checks that are outdated), but then somehow integrated into the system, I’ll definitely keep it in mind.
The next update will include new warnings (duplicated self-referring titles) and automated description improvements, to improve the overal SEO quality of the website.
For now, I’m focusing on automating the SEO “doing-it-right” part so the users can simply focus on writing good content, without being bothered by unneeded warnings, and all the other gimmicks.
As I said before, Google checks for synonyms. It’s hard to include synonyms in over 300 languages, without conflict, and without massive performance degradation checking for each word. This essentially means that old ways of doing these things are now irrelevant and are culprits for human error.
So, until that’s ready, my plan is to just stay with good old quality content, as is intended to be posted within WordPress, which is then enhanced by this plugin through various techniques and best practices.
That’s the ultimate goal with The SEO Framework, “quick, simple, powerful”, and you’ll see my focus with this plugin heading towards that direction (from which I almost started to steer away from). I’m automating as much as possible, to eliminate confusion and to disregard common mistakes (“Let’s have only the blogname as the title on every page, because it’s pretty and uniform…”).
This is essentially why I never wanted to include the “Remove Blogname from Title” option, a fair warning has been places beneath for that reason.
Many WordPress websites are made by an external WordPress expert (e.g. small business websites), whom don’t have the time to optimize hundreds – maybe even thousands – of websites. I am one of those thousands of experts and it was the reason for me to start this plugin, starting of course with “AutoDescription”, hence the plugin slug and PHP class names. ??