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  • I have the same problem after last update, i wish i would know how to turn back to the older version .
    Those are the incorrect messages i get on my post :

    Bad SEO score You have not used your focus keyword in any subheading (such as an H2) in your copy.
    Bad SEO score A meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the focus keyword.
    Bad SEO score The focus keyword doesn’t appear in the first paragraph of the copy. Make sure the topic is clear immediately.
    Bad SEO score The keyword density is 0%, which is a bit low; the focus keyword was found 0 times.
    Ok SEO score The images on this page do not have alt tags containing your focus keyword.
    Ok SEO score The copy scores 58.2 in the Flesch Reading Ease test, which is considered fairly difficult to read. Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability.

    So is Yoast going to fix this or is time to look into AllInOne SEO

    I have exactly the same issue.

    The text contains 0 words. This is far too low and should be increased.
    Bad SEO scoreNo images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.
    Bad SEO scoreThe focus keyword doesn't appear in the first paragraph of the copy. Make sure the topic is clear immediately.
    Ok SEO scoreThe focus keyword for this page contains one or more stop words, consider removing them. Found 'and'.
    Ok SEO scoreNo outbound links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.
    Ok SEO scoreThe focus keyword does not appear in the URL for this page. If you decide to rename the URL be sure to check the old URL 301 redirects to the new one!
    Ok SEO scoreThe specified meta description is over 156 characters. Reducing it will ensure the entire description is visible
    Ok SEO scoreThe page title contains the focus keyword, but it does not appear at the beginning; try and move it to the beginning.
    Ok SEO scoreNo subheading tags (like an H2) appear in the copy.

    I’m using the Pro version of GeneratePress by Tom Usborne whichis compatible with Yoast SEO. I’ve already disabled all plugins to try to resolve the issue to no avail.

    WordPress v 4.20
    Yoast v 3.06
    GeneratePress v 1.2.77

    The previous of Yoast SEO v 3.04 worked with GeneratePress without issue using identical plugins. I daren’t update the plugin on several other websites which are currently requesting updates.

    Any ideas?

    The website is at

    How do I ensure the focus keyword does appear in the URL for this page and not the old URL 301 redirect?

    Estou com o mesmo problema alguem tem a solu??o?

    @Etroka to answer your question, you need to uninstall the Yoast and install a new one. mine is working perfectly well. also, ensure you add your meta description from the title & metas indicated on the plugin.
    now to get a good SEO, in your article your keyword should appear atleast 5 to 6 times, it should appear at:
    1. the beginning of your title post, and first paragraph.
    2. ensure your image has alt text with the same keyword.
    3. do not write less than 300 words.
    you can get more tips on SEO here

    see a sample of a good SEO here

    I’m an SEO analyst feel free to contact me through my website

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