• I have a plugin that will automatically expand only the sub-pages of the currently selected page in a page list, collapsing all others to their parent page. Expansion reveals one level deeper than the currently selected page, down to a maximum level determined by the value of the ‘level’ argument.

    So, for a hierarchy consisting of:

    – Apples
    — Red
    — Green
    – Pears
    — Soft
    — Hard
    – Beans
    — Runner beans
    — Broad beans
    – Greens
    — Cabbage
    — Lettuce

    With nothing selected and level=3, it would show as:


    Selecting Fruit would show:

    – Apples
    – Pears

    Selecting Apples would reveal

    – Apples
    — Red
    — Green
    – Oranges

    Selecting Vegetables would reveal

    – Beans
    – Greens


    It should retain all functionality of the standard wp_list_pages plugin since it is implemented as merely a modified (& renamed) version of that tag, but adds the selective unfolding of the page hierarchy. Syntax is identical to its precursor tag.

    A page explaining installation and use, and a link to a downloadable zip archive is available at https://www.webspaceworks.com/wp-plugins/foldpagelist.html.

    I hope others might find it useful, and welcome any feedback.

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  • Thread Starter roblgs


    If I understand you correctly, try specifying ‘child_of=xx’ in the argument list, where ‘xx’ is the id of the parent whose descendents you wish to show.

    If that is not what you mean then an example page with a link and further explanation would be helpful.

    lovely. sounds very much like what I’m looking for, but to handle categories and subcategories. I’m unsure if cats have the same attributes available to them that pages do, however — have you looked into foldable cats, roblgs?

    Thread Starter roblgs


    Foldable cats is something I’d thought about, but not had time to do… foldable pages was a higher priority as I needed it for a site I was doing. Should be too much of a problem extending this to Cats as well, so watch this space…

    How can I use this plugin, but still exclude certain pages from appearing in the nav alltogether?

    I have my main nav (design, art, writing, markup, life), and those are all pages with subpages. But I have other pages such as archives, contact, etc. that appear in the nav – and I would like to remove them. Is this possible?

    Great work! Would be nice if I could use this for Categories too…

    Thread Starter roblgs


    With regard to the exclusion of pages, this should work the same as in wp_list_pages, from which this plugin is derived…

    As for categories, I have a preliminary plugin available from Webspace Works WP plugins: Fold Category List. There is still a way to go with regard to full functionality, but the fundamentals (folding the category list) are working OK.


    How would you get that to work in “Semiologic Theme and CMS”?
    If that’s possible. The “sidebar.php” doesn’t ever remotely resembel the .php file in the “default” theme, for instance. Not to my untrained eye anyway.

    when i use it, it looks great but then my page is invalid.

    i think it has something to do with –
    <?php wswwpx_fold_category_list ($args); ?>

    anyone else with this problem?

    Hi there. Thanks for this plugin. It has helped me considerably in reducing my headaches today. I do have a small question, however. I am attempting to setup a site using WP as a functioning CMS for a small website we are developing. This is purely a test run for us as we are keen to see if in fact WP can work how we want it to. So here’s my question:

    We have a horizontal primary nav set up within a <div id=prim-nav> </div> tag. That is fine and everything displays correctly. However, I a want to know if a secondary nav (children of the parent items) can be displayed elsewhere on the page, ie. in a seperate div tag (perhaps vertical on RH column), hence I need two customised ‘wswwpx’ tags for displaying the different parts of the navigation.

    Does this make sense? Can anyone help me? Cheers.

    Thread Starter roblgs


    Hi Hamish,

    I’m doing exactly the same thing for a rework of my webspaceWorks.com site, built entirely off wordpress 1.5+… unfortunately the reviesed version isn’t available for view yet as I’m too busy with paying work at the moment.

    What you will need to do is to trap the id of the current page in a variable, and then feed this into a second call (located in your sidebar) of ‘fold_page_list’ under the ‘child_of’ argument, so that it will only show the children of the currently loaded page.

    This far I have working, but things get awkward if trying to do this with categories on a page, since the category list doesn’t include the page_id in its query_string… methinks further modifications of more fundamental nature are required!!

    Let me know if that helps any.


    Hey roblgs

    I forgot to reply to this post and say thanks for your help. I’ve used this plugin on a few sites and it works like a dream. Our most ambitious being – https://www.soulpurpose.co.nz

    Thanks heaps


    Has anyone found a way to view only a page and its subpages?
    As in if I were to goto https://www.blog.com/blogpage

    I would only see the blogpage page and whatever subpages it contains?

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