Hi yihsuanchen316.
Thanks for letting us know about your issue. Unfortunately, without a link to your site, there’s not much I can do to troubleshoot.
It is worth mentioning, however, that in three of our more recent releases of the AddThis Sharing Buttons plugin for WordPress (5.0.9, 5.0.10 and 5.0.11) we had a significant bug where the plugin’s settings were being reset during upgrades. This bug would turn off many of your tools on upgrade.
Tests confirm that we’ve resolved this issue in 5.0.12.
This newest version will recover your settings from right before you upgraded to any of those three problematic version, and restore them. That means that if you intentionally changed your setting in one of those three version, those changes will be reverted.
I recommend upgrading to the newest version of the plugin, review your settings for this plugin, and confirm that they are as you intended them to be.
If you’re still having issues after those steps, we can take a closer look at your site. If you’d like to troubleshoot privately, please feel free to teach out to us at [email protected].