• Resolved lularound


    Hi there!
    Thanks for this theme, it looks great!
    I’m just trying to set it on my blog and I have two questions for you.
    1. Is it possible to set a bigger font size? The default imo is two small
    2. What about social icons? I set the social media icons widget on the sidebar, but it shows them as > and not as icons.
    Could you please help me? I would like to use this theme! Thanks

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  • Theme Author lyrathemes



    Thanks for the kind words, we appreciate it ??

    For the font size – try this in Appearance > Customize > Advanced > Custom CSS


    This will increase the size overall by 20%.

    For the social media icons – we’re working on good solution but for now – try this block of code:

    <a href="#" class="btn btn-social-icon btn-twitter"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a>
    <a href="#" class="btn btn-social-icon btn-facebook"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a>
    <a href="#" class="btn btn-social-icon btn-flickr"><i class="fa fa-flickr"></i></a>
    <a href="#" class="btn btn-social-icon btn-google"><i class="fa fa-google"></i></a>

    You can add this to a Text Widget and save it it any of the footer or sidebar widget locations. Replace the “#” with your social media links. If you’d like more social media links, try any of the classes (‘btn-tumblr’, ‘btn-vimeo’, etc.) mentioned here https://lipis.github.io/bootstrap-social/

    Let me know if you need any further help.

    Thread Starter lularound


    Great, it works! Thanks a lot for your help!!

    Theme Author lyrathemes


    Perfect! When you’re done thoroughly evaluating the theme, we’d love to get a review from you ??

    Thread Starter lularound


    Surely I’ll do! ??
    In the meantime, just two more questions for you.
    Footer: the very bottom one (where copyright and vega wp writings are), it shows me every page I create. How can I hide this pages list?
    Mobile version: Is it possible to change it? The first page (I mean the homepage) I visualize from my mobile is really ugly..just the header, a “home” writing and the list of the latest posts. I guess the user experience in this eway is not the best. Then when you enter, it’s ok. But I would not enter if I see an homepage like this one..
    Thanks a lot for your kind help, you’re so patient!!

    Theme Author lyrathemes



    For the footer menu – please create a new menu at Appearance > Menus. Assign it to the footer location. Then explicitly assign the pages that you’d like to include in the footer menu. More details here https://codex.www.ads-software.com/WordPress_Menu_User_Guide

    For the mobile version – would you rather have the home page show up like this? Please follow the directions here on how to do that.

    You will essentially need to create a new Page, then go to Reading > Settings and select that page to be displayed as the home page. Then you can set up and tweak the settings for your custom home page using Appearance > Customize area.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Thread Starter lularound


    Hi again,
    so sorry to write you again.
    As for my question about mobile version, I had already created a new page to be displayed as the homepage and the home page on my destktop is already displayed as per your link above. My problem is that the same doesn’t happen when I use the mobile version.
    Many thanks for your kind help!

    Theme Author lyrathemes


    Please make sure you’re not using a plugin to set up the mobile site. By any chance, do you have this enabled https://jetpack.com/support/mobile-theme/ ?

    Theme Author lyrathemes


    @lularound – was this resolved? Is there anything we can do to help?

    Also – we’d love to get a review from you here! I hope you can spare a minute from your time today ??

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by lyrathemes.

    I would like to increase font size on my Vega-themed site. I tried the instructions above, but it didn’t work. Any other options?

    Theme Author lyrathemes


    The body tag should work for most of the text. Is there a specific area you’re looking to change? Can you show me via screenshot?

    I want to increase font size on all of the font in the body. It didn’t work. What do I need to screenshot?

    Theme Author lyrathemes


    Did you enter this in the custom CSS box under Appearance > Customize > Advanced > Custom CSS:


    Yes, I did exactly that.

    I’ve been able to increase font size on the pages using the tool bar. It would be nice to increase size on the top menu labels as well.

    Theme Author lyrathemes


    The body tag will only effect certain parts of the text. For the top menu or the columns headings etc, there need to be specific CSS selectors and that is why I was asking for a screenshot or a URL so I could see which area you’re trying to change.

    So for example, if you want to increase the font size of the top nav – you need something like:
    .navbar-custom .navbar-nav li a { font-size: 13px; }

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